26 ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ i'll give you a choice

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─── ・ 。゚⟡ 🌓 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───


'We've been overlooked for way too long.'

─── ・ 。゚⟡ 🌓 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───

The night is calm. 

And the sky is colored a dark blue with a subtle emphasis of grey and a jade teal. An off color that shines brightly amongst the skies of Arrakis.

"Here," Dr. Kynes says, handing the three ration flasks. "Drink this."

Jessica's hand shakes as she takes a sip to test it, finding it's only water as her son locks eyes with the ecologist, only to avert his gaze.

"Harkonnens hit every population center on the planet at once." Duncan says from the cockpit. "Must've been ten legions. Hundreds of ships. There were Sardaukar with them. At least two battalions."

Jessica looks stunned. "What, are you sure?" she whispers.

"You cross swords with a Sardaukar, you know it."

Jessica sighs, "So, the Emperor's taken a side." Her gaze meets Liet's as Paul's attention briefly turns to his wife, moving a hand to her thigh to let her know he's there. "What says the Judge of the Change?"

"The Emperor forbids me to say anything at all," she replies, not meeting the stern expression of the Lady's.

"And yet you risk your life to help us," Paul interjects.

Liet's eyes meet his before she looks away, holding back on saying anything else.


The sun gleams a bright orange as it starts to rise, but not far off lies a huge sandstorm, blocking out all light and covering everything in its path in a haze of dust and grain.

Thunder rumbles as the storm comes closer, and workers hammer down stakes to tie ropes to protect the ornithopters.

"Storm's coming," one says as the others rush to get everything in place.

Kynes leads the group inside, opening a door to a rocky hallway once they're safe. "The storm will be here in a few hours. We'll be safe here." Her voice starts to echo as she looks back. "Do you know what this place is?" She leads them out into an open area with one central pillar of stone in the center, the top exposed to air. "It's an old ecological testing system. They were meant to tame the planet. Free the water locked beneath the sands."

Another door rumbles open and two men talk amongst each other as Kynes continues. "Arrakis could've been a paradise."

It will be, (Y/N)'s subconscious murmurs in the back of her mind like a voice outside of her head, causing her to look back, only to find Jessica and Duncan behind her.

Paul senses the change and looks back at his wife, taking her hand as the two walk side by side.

"The work had begun, but then the spice was discovered. And suddenly, no one wanted the desert to go away." She looks at the men as they spot the group. "Tanat, will you find stillsuits to fit our visitors?"

"Yes, Liet." He nods, walking past them as he departs.

"Shamir, a coffee service, please."

"Of course, Liet."

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