The New Slytherin Girl

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"HARRY!" cried a loud voice, awakening Harry from his comfortable sleep. He shifted, reluctantly opening his eyes to see his red head friend leaning over the bed. "Harry, wake UP," Ron said again, reaching a hand out to shove Harry roughly.

"Augh, what time is it?" Harry mumbled, reaching to the bedside table for his glasses.

Ron rolled his eyes, "Time to go, and guess what?" Ron paused with a grin on his face. Harry looked up, blinking the sleep out of his eyes. Ron didn't wait for an answer before telling him, "Dad's letting me drive the muggle car to the station!" With the grin still on his silly face, he turned around and made his way towards the door, picking up Harry's trunk by the handle. "Merlin, what do you have in this piece of shit anyway?" he grunted as he dragged it out of the room. Harry sighed as he absent mindedly pushed the hair out of his eyes, not that it ever stayed that way.

It was the first day of school after a fantastic summer with the Weasley's. The Dursley's had finally given up trying to get him to come back to Privet Drive for his summer's as they finally figured out that they didn't want him there anyway. Harry was excited for his 7th year at Hogwarts, and had changed a lot over the summer. He had pretty much stayed the same from the age of 13-16, but over the course of the summer, he'd grown to be even taller than Fred and George, who had always towered over him. His hair was as unruly as ever, but it added to his rugged good-looking ness, as many of the girls in Hogwarts were discovering. Harry quickly changed into his normal clothes, a jeans and T-shirt, got ready, and paced down the stairs.

Meanwhile, Draco stood at the station, just outside the entrance to the platform. He was early, and only a few other Hogwarts students were scattered about the station; Mostly first years with their parents, trying to figure out what the bloody hell they were doing. Draco leaned against a wall, the wind ruffling his white-blonde hair. He had stopped slicking it back like his father did. In fact, he had stopped doing a lot of things that his father did. He hadn't talked to his father all summer, much to the dismay of his mother, Narcissa. He and his father had a rather large fall out during the beginning of the summer, and he hadn't spoken to him since. He too had changed a lot during the summer. Perhaps the new situations in his life had made him even more spiteful and angry, but it had also added an element of sadness and sensitivity that he tried so hard to hide. Suddenly a loud noise directed his cold blue eyes around the pillar.

"Draco!" a female voice squealed, followed by high heeled foot steps jogging up to the platform. Draco sighed.

"Oh hell," he thought as Pansy Parkinson wrapped her little arms around him. He put on a smile. "Hi Pansy," he said without any sign of emotion.

"Oh Draco, I've missed you. Didn't you get any of my owls?"

"Owls?" Draco thought to himself of the mound of letters he'd received from the girl. "Not a one."

She frowned, but quickly forgot what she was talking about as she saw a few of her stupid girly friends walking towards her. She squealed and ran away, her voice causing Draco to cringe. He and Pansy had been sort of "dating" for the past year. He didn't know why the hell she wanted him, he was as mean as shit to her, and slept around as much as he pleased. She knew it too, but didn't seem to acknowledge it. He didn't care too much though, as long as he could get a shag whenever he wanted. And he could too, Pansy or no Pansy.

Harry nervously clutched the side handle to the car as Ron started the ignition. "We're going to die," Ginny said flatly from the back seat, looking absent mindedly out of the window. Harry nodded.

"Yes, most likely," he responded.

"Oh shut up, both of you. I can do this," Ron frowned at them, putting the car in gear. Ron had been bragging about being able to drive all summer, and glowed at this opportunity to show his friends. Not many Wizarding children bothered driving muggle cars, but being the sun of a muggle fanatic, Ron was gifted with his fake drivers license, a gift from his father. It looked pretty real too, Harry was impressed.

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