Yay The Holidays Are Here

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Harry was shaken awake to be met by sunlight peeking through his drapes. "Harry wake up!" Ron said. Harry rolled over, suddenly remembering the night before. "What are you looking for?"

"What? Nothing, uhh..." Harry mumbled, scratching his head. "What time is it?"

"Almost time for breakfast, get dressed," Ron said, yanking the pillow out from under Harry's head. Harry groaned and sat up. He could see a few stragglers getting dressed and heading out the door. "Fun party last night, eh?" Ron asked, laughing.

"Yeah, it was alright."

"Come to think of it, I didn't see you after we got there. Where did you go?" Ron asked, getting suspicious. Harry could feel his face getting hot.

"I didn't go anywhere," he lied.

"I can tell you're lying," Ron said, throwing a pair of Harry's socks at his chest. Harry sighed.

"I'll tell you later," he relented. Ron grinned.

Meanwhile, Draco was walking down to breakfast when he heard a few girls gossiping off to the side. "Harry? No way! I can't believe it!" "Shhh, not so loud." "Fleur is so lucky!" Draco paused, wondering what it was that they were talking about. As he made his way into the dining room, taking his usual seat at the Slytherin table, he heard a rather large commotion going on at the other end of the hall. He sauntered his way over there, seeing Fleur surrounded by a bunch of first year girls. He stepped closer to them just in time to hear.

"Was he good, Fleur?"

"Oh! He was amazing!" Fleur exclaimed, fanning herself with her hand. A few of the girls exchanged jealous looks and whispers to each other. Draco's jaw dropped when he realized what they were talking about. He spun around and went back to his own table.

Harry walked into the dining hall with a confused look on his face. It seemed that the gawking, staring, and whispering levels were unusually high that morning. When he sat down at his table, Fleur excused herself from her new fans and flounced towards her "lover".

"Hey," Harry muttered, seeing the group of girls staring his way. "What's going on?"

"Nothing, my love!" Fleur said, planting a kiss on Harry's lips. Ron gawked at them in confusion. "Just some admirers, jealous of my new lover!" Fleur giggled. Harry looked at her incredulously.

"What?" Harry exclaimed. Fleur looked surprised at his reaction. "'Scuse me, we'll be right back," he muttered, taking Fleur by the arm and leading her out of the dining hall. Fleur blew a kiss to her sighing groupies as they left the room.

"WHAT are you doing?" Harry said, yanking her out of the room.

"What?" she said, looking hurt.

"Did you tell all those people about last night?" Harry demanded.

"Why not? I'm so 'appy! I want to tell everybody!" Fleur said, smiling. Harry sighed. What could he say to that?

"Well, uhh..." he mumbled. "What exactly are you saying?"

"Zat my lover, you, are ze most amazing person I 'ave ever met!" she gushed. Harry felt his face growing hot.

"About last night," Harry paused, not sure of how to phrase it. "What does this mean? I mean, you know..."

"I don't understand 'Arry," Fleur said, looking a little sad.

"I mean, well. Never mind," Harry sighed. Fleur's face lit back up.

"Let's go back in!" she said, pulling him towards the door. Harry gave in. What was he supposed to do?

Harry sat back down next to a shell-shocked Ron as Fleur practically skipped back to her table. "WHAT?" Ron bellowed after a few moments of silence.

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