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I tossed and turned throughout the night, the memory of his heated gaze and touch haunting my thoughts. Naoki had departed to join the prince in the delegation that would soon arrive to discuss well, me. His fleeting kiss goodbye left a cold sting on my cheek, my fingers instinctively reaching to touch the flushed skin.

Fear and embarrassment gnawed at me as I contemplated the possibility of the prince and other knights uncovering my secrets. I glanced out the window, the bright sunlight streaming in, illuminating the room with its golden glow.

With hurried knocks, Yazmin burst into the room, her movements frantic as she hurriedly gathered fabrics and gems, her steps quick and purposeful. "Lady Raya, we must get ready. We received a message that there will be a council meeting, and Prince Amir wants you present as his consort," she explained, the air alive with swirling colors and fabrics as she danced around me.

"Prince Amir said that if there was discomfort, you could dress as a male," she continued, her words shocking me with their implications. How could he unilaterally decide, without my consent, that I was to be a consort, even if only for this meeting?

"I'll dress as a man," I said firmly, my annoyance evident. Yazmin nodded in understanding as she draped a soft blue tunic over my shoulders and cinched a gold belt around my waist, giving the illusion of a broader frame. With a lighter touch of makeup, she adorned my hair with golden leaves, slicking it back elegantly.

"Don't be too mad at His Majesty," she said softly as she worked, her hands deft and gentle. "He's trying to protect you the only way he's allowed to keep you at the palace without the elders kicking you out."

Reluctantly, I nodded, the turmoil in my heart refusing to settle. As I prepared, a sharp knock echoed through the room, and Amir's imposing figure strode in, his presence commanding attention. His long, thick braided hair trailed behind him as he reached for my hand.

"I apologize for not explaining, but your prince and that mage rushed my plans," he said, his voice low and soothing as he drew me close, his scent enveloping me in warmth.

"Prince Amir, I want to be clear that while I feel a responsibility to verify who I am for Naeem, I do not plan to pursue a romantic relationship with you," I asserted, my voice firm.

"My beloved, I am not forcing you. I simply want you to be safe and need answers," he replied, his fingers delicately adjusting the golden leaves in my hair.

"Though you must know that as dragons, we can only imprint on one person in our whole life, and Raya was my destined partner," he added solemnly, his grip tightening around my waist.

With a gentle tug, he led me outside, our arms linked in an intimate gesture. Ten servants followed silently behind us as we made our way to the council meeting, uncertainty and intrigue swirling in the air around us.

Loud voices reverberated through the room, but one rose above the rest, commanding attention, Prince Magnus.

"I demand to see him at once!" he commanded, his rage filling the room, a stark contrast to the softer, older voice that replied.

"It is not tradition for the consort of our majesty to leave the room." a meek old man replied

"Consort?" Prince Magnus scoffed in disbelief, his hand tightening on his sword. The knights by his side shifted uncomfortably, a hint of worry creasing his brow. I stood behind Prince Amir, his large frame shielding me as I observed the scene unfolding before us.

The room was arranged in a large circle of row seating, filled with men and women, all eyes focused on the empty space in the center where the prince and his entourage were the observed spectacle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23 ⏰

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