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I shut the door firmly behind me and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I looked towards the fire engine to see Jack hanging out the side of the door.

"Go on, Caleb!" He yelled, whooping.

"Shut the fuck up," I groaned at him, climbing back onto the engine and punching him in the arm.

He held his arm and began moaning. I rolled my eyes playfully at his childishness.

"She's new, and her kitchen has already set fire; the least we can do is help her out a little," I say to the guys.

They all nod in agreement.

"And you have a soft spot for her," Jack added.

I glared at him and said, "I do not."

He chuckled and nodded. "Okay, Buddy, whatever you say."

"When was the last time you got laid, Caleb?" Harry added, joining in.

"Fuck off?" I jabbed, pinching his leg that was next to mine.

I hadn't been laid in years if I'm being honest. My job has taken over my life, and I let it. I love it. There's no time for girls; I'd rather focus on what's happening now than what could happen. Maybe that's a stupid way of living, but I get by just fine.


We pulled up at the fire station, I jumped out of the engine, headed into the kitchen and sat at the table.

I couldn't shake the sinking feeling I had in my stomach. I got this every time I got off the engine. It was taunting me, reminding me of the exact feeling I felt two years ago. A feeling that had weighed me down for far too long.

"Caleb," I hear as the door swings open. It's our commander. David.

"Sir," I nod back in reply.

"How're you holding up?" he asked, sitting down opposite me.

"Yeah, Fine," I said swiftly, wanting to move away from this topic of conversation.


Two years ago

The alarm bell sounded for the station, like heavy thunder on a summer night. I ran swiftly from the kitchen into the appliance room. I shoved on my kit and swung the door to the engine open. I climbed in.

We arrived at the fire and were all silent. We watched the roaring inferno that waited before us. It glowed a ferocious orange as it begged for us to try to tackle it.

The blaze had engulfed three houses already.

"Right, lads, let's get stuck in," our commander shouted.

We all nodded, climbing out of our engines and quickly preparing our equipment. I put on my oxygen mask, breathing apparatus, and helmet and grouped up with some of the lads.

We ran into one of the houses.

"Fire Brigade!" We all shouted to alert anyone who may be inside.

We heard a voice from the back of the house, and we all looked at each other and nodded.

Riley ran in first. Then we heard it. Over the radio, "Get out now! We need to tackle this from the outside!" It was our commander. He watches from the outside and sees things we can't from within.

I looked at Jack, who was standing beside me.

"Riley!" I called but got no response.

"Riley!" Jack called; there was no response.

"Fuck," I muttered, and I began to walk into the room until I felt a grasp on my arm.

"You can't Caleb," Jack shouted, dragging me towards the entrance.

"We can't leave him!" I exclaimed, looking towards the room Riley had entered.

Jack continued to pull me.

I debated myself and eventually gave in. Following Jack, I glanced back one last time.

Then I saw it.

On the floor.

His body.


We got out, and a loud explosion erupted from the house we had just left.



"Caleb? Caleb!" I was shaken from my thoughts by the sound of David calling my name.

I looked up at him, I felt clammy.

"Sorry, what did you say, sir?" I asked.

"It happened again, didn't it?" He looked at me, furrowing his bushy eyebrows at me.

I nodded. He was the only person who knew about the flashbacks.

"You need to tell someone about this, Caleb; you can't keep acting as if it doesn't happen," my commander explained.

I nodded, "I know," I did know, and I had been meaning to.

"You know the job offers therapy; it's confidential," David explained to me.

"Yes, I know, sir." I nodded at him. I tapped my foot on the floor, growing more anxious.

"As long as you do." He nodded curtly. "I will check in again. So, don't think you can bury this," he added before getting up and leaving the kitchen.

I groaned, putting my head into my hands.

That day wouldn't leave me. It felt like my fault. It should have been me.

I was torn from my thoughts by the sound of my phone pinging. I picked it up, looking at the number. Confused, I opened the message.

Hi! It's Ava. Glad I have your number now; hopefully nothing else in my house decides to catch fire.

I chuckled at the message before replying.

I don't think that's how it works.

Immediately, a response came through.

Well, I'm not the fire expert here.

I sat with my thoughts for a moment.

Would you like to go for coffee, maybe Wednesday afternoon? I mean, if you don't already have plans.

I put my phone back in my pocket. I walked towards the fridge, pulling out a cold can of Coke and opening it.

I took a sip and sighed, the bubbles danced in my mouth, and the sweetness of it reminded me of when I was a kid, stuffing my face with all the sweets I could manage. Coca-Cola always hits the spot.

My phone pinged once again.

Yeah, that sounds good! Maybe you could show me around too. I only know my way from my house to the coffee shop; it would be nice to get to know the town.

I smiled, tapping my fingers against the screen.

Sounds good.

I slipped my phone away, looking up.

"What's got you smiling like that?" Harry teased as he slid into the kitchen, taking the coke from my hand and taking a sip.

"That's mine, you dick," I said, snatching it back from him, "and nothing," I said, I can't have any secrets in this place.

"Yeah, sure mate," he teased, grabbing himself a can of coke from the fridge.

I rolled my eyes, chuckling.

I was looking forward to tomorrow.

Authors note:

Chapter Three! I hope you all enjoyed it and enjoyed getting to know Caleb and a bit of his backstory.

Like always, if you have any suggestions, feel free to comment them below!

- Serenjtyx

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