Chapter 4: Accidents

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1:57 am

I shot up, heart pounding. Sweat drying to my skin like I had been burning hot while I slept. A sensation of fear swept through my core while the dark corners of the room simply stared back at my anxious eyes. Whatever sat within the darkness, the voids of the room. The holes in the light. Whatever watched me. Crept at me. I could not see it. And I never knew if I wanted to. Dim moonlight clawed at the curtain covered window. Light begged to enter the room, and I wished for it to cleanse my skin. It was too far from me, so I dived for the closest lamp on one of our tables in the corner of the room. Hitting its switch the bulb flashed on. A bright yellow glow covered the walls of the room. The corners were empty. Nothing but normal corners. The rest of the house was still dark. I didn't want to be inside right now.

I left out the back of the house. Closing the sliding door as I walked into the silver moonlight. I approached the camping seats that enclosed the fire pit, walking around them to grab wood from our pile laying by the fence. Picking up three split logs, I go back and pile them into the pit, grabbing the fire starter that sat on the small square metal table next to the chairs. Striking the metal hard, it sent large sparks flying into the wood, it caught flame instantly, the fire began to eat the wood and drink the air. And as the fire grew into a scintillating and magnificent flame, roaring towards the sky, I watched it dance. And I watched it flicker and burn. I pulled a seat close to the warmth. And as it radiated against my skin I lifted my head to watch the sky. The stars that sparkled and the planets that hid away from our eyes. It's the only darkness I've ever liked. The night sky- space- Something about it didn't leave me with fear.



*Bzzzz* Hm? *Bzzzz* My phone's ringing? *Bzzzz* Picking it up, I see a call coming from Ace. At two am? I swipe on the green button on my phone and put my finger in the crease of my book, "Hey what's up dude?"

"I uh, fell asleep just about when I got home. Just woke up, I have a fire going in my backyard. Could you come over? I wanna talk, if you aren't too busy." His voice was shaky.

"Yeah of course, I'll be right over." Good thing it's a Friday. I bookmark my page and slip on my jacket. Tying my shoes and grabbing the keys to my father's car before heading downstairs. The stairs in the back connected to a door near the back of the kitchen, and through the kitchen doors was the dark and empty diner. As I walked down the aisle, street lights shone through the large glass windows, plastered with large white lettering on them, advertising the popular menu items. Walking past all the red benches and half-walled tables felt almost frightening at this time of night. I unlock and relock the swinging doors as I take my leave, the bell above the door frame rings but it couldn't wake my parents from here. I walk away from the Liebe Essen Diner, walking to the private parking outside. And there it was, my father's old red 1958 Porsche 357. Wrapping my left hand around the nice leather wheel, I slide the key into the ignition and twist till the car growls back at me in response. The city was calm tonight, few lights dared shine through the windows- and the sounds of music were not heard. So I dare not turn on the radio as I back the car out into the street; however, I do listen to the wheels grinding the stone and the engine purring beneath me while I drive under the color-fluent stars. It takes me not but a couple minutes to get down near the edges of the first district, where the buildings get shorter and homes get- well- more, 'homey'. And the urban of the city becomes more suburban. Shortly after I pull alongside the road and turn into the empty driveway of a light blue home, where only a single light emits from inside, a dull yellow lamp.

I walk up to the door and lean over one of the potted plants, picking up a small brass key, a perfect match to the small lock on the door sitting in front of me. The key slid in, clicking in and scratching the metal as I turned it open. The building was slightly warmer than the outside air. I walk in, shutting and relocking the door behind me. Sliding keys onto the counter I walk into the living room, the dim lights reflecting my image across mirrors and picture frames. Peeking in I can see through the back sliding doors, Ace sitting outside, with a small fire. In front of him. I walk to his kitchen, swing the fridge door and scan for a moment, before picking two cans of soda and letting the door shut on its own as I head outside. Readjusting my jacket as I approach him.

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