☆New Egos☆

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Darkiplier POV:
I sigh as I watch Will walk out of the room, thankful that I have gotten that over with. After a few minutes I collect my thoughts and decide that I should figure out when the new ego is coming. I stand up and straighten my suit before I walk out of the room,  hoping I don't bump into anyone on the way to my office. I make it to my office and to my surprise no one has come up to me, like they usually would. I brush that thought away and enter my office. As I take a seat at my desk I let out a small sigh. I reach into my left trouser pocket and take out my phone and messaged Google to help me with some paper work, since he is the only one in this manor that I can tolerate for a long period of time.

Dark: 'Google are you busy at the moment?'

Google: 'yes Iamcurrently.  Is there something you need my assistance for?'

Dark: 'there is something but it can wait. Let me know when you have finished what you are doing.'

Google: 'okay.'

I put my phone back in my pocket as I look through the papers on my desk. I reach into my desk and pull out my glasses. 'I hate these stupid things. They get so dirty so easily for absolutely no reason.'  I thought as I look at the glasses in my hand, seeing as they were covered in a small layer of dust. I pull a tissue out of the top pocket of my suit, to whipe them clean before I put them on. Once they were clean and sat on the bridge of his my nose, I grabbed my pen from its holder and began to work through my papers.

🌸~ • Time skip • ~🌸

*buzz* my phone vibrated in my pocket, however I was too focused on my papers to realise. *buzzzz* there goes my phone again although, this time I noticed it and took it out to see why it was buzzing. There was a message notification from Google.

Google: 'I've finished what I was doing. Do you still require my assistance?'

Dark: 'ah yes. I still need your help. Could you please come to my office?'

Google: 'I'll be there right away.''

Dark: 'thank you.'

With that I put my phone on the desk and waited for Google to arrive. After while of just sitting in silence just listening to my thoughts, I was snapped out of them when Google knocked on the door. "Enter." I spoke in my usual monotone voice. Once Google had entered I stood up from my desk and straighten my suit and held my hand out to greet him. "Please take a seat." I spoke as I gestured to the chairs on the other side of my desk. Once we had both sat down Google spoke up "so what was the reason you needed me?"
"Ah yes. Have you got any news on the new ego joining us?" I questioned as I placed my hands infront of me on the desk.
"Oh I haven't heard anything. But I can scan my database and check for you."

"If you wouldn't mind."

"Of course. Give me a moment. "
Then his eyes started to glow to show that he was no longer in the real world but in his mind. I sat there for a little while waiting for him to return. It was mostly silent however, there was a small buzzing sound, which I am going to assume was the gears in his head moving around, there was also the faint sound of glitching which I know was coming from my auras. I look down at my hands for a while until I stop hearing Google's gears. I look up and see his eyes are returning to normal. "I found some things out you may want to know." Google spoke once his eyes were back to normal.

"What might that be?" Curiosity lacing my voice.
"There is two new egos... not just one." Slight surprise lacing Google's voice.
"Two!" I practically shouted.
"Yes two. One by the name of Yancy and the other Ilinois." Google spoke in his usual robotic tone. I thought for a moment "Okay. Do we know when they will be arriving?"

"Either later today or tomorrow."

"Okay thank you Google.  You may leave now.""

"No problem. I'll see you around." Google said before he got up and walk out the room. 'So we have two new egos. ' 'Ill have to get Will to interview them both. ' 'would they know each other?'  I had so many questions swarming my head about the new egos however, they would only be answered by themselves or by Wilford after their interviews. After I had, had a moment to process this information I took out my phone and messaged Wilford.

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