Chapter 26:- Sorted

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A/n's pov

"Okay you go first." Abhinav told Aarushi.

Aarushi quickly told him everything and Abhinav was surprised. Why would Nikita hold Shaurya's hand??

Abhinav too told Aarushi about what he saw.

Aarushi was still in shock about what she saw few minutes ago.

"Should we talk to them??" Aarushi suggested.

"Uh....Tanya and Krish is okay but I can't digest what you told me about Nikita and Shaurya. You think we should talk?"

"Now or never. What if something is going between Shaurya and Nikita and Krish and Tanya are not aware about it???" Aarushi kept her point which made Abhinav think about it more deeply.

Tanya and Shaurya were going to leave from there because Tanya told him she wasn't feeling so well.

But they stopped when they saw Abhinav and Aarushi.

Shaurya was worried. What if Aarushi will tell Tanya about it?? Tanya will think he is cheating on her. She will get hurt....

"Hello!!!!!" Tanya chirped happily and she hugged Aarushi.

"Hii." Aarushi hugged her back.

"Aarushi.....I am not talking to your husband. You know he doesn't react to any reel of mine. Idiot." Tanya looked at Abhinav with side eye.

"Ms. Ahuja......the last reel you sent me was a month ago. After that you were never active on Instagram and the coincidence is that Mr. Agnihotri too just disappeared from Instagram and it's been one month." Abhinav folded his arms against his chest and tried to look calm but deep down he wanted to ask them that what is actually going on between them.

Abhinav noticed the slight change in Shaurya's expressions when he mentioned Krish.

"One month??? I thought Tanya was happy with me.....but...." Shaurya thought.
Still that scene of Tanya kissing Krish, holds the power to make Shaurya's heart ache. That memory is still fresh in his mind.

"Uh.. I was busy." Tanya said and no one could believe her and she too knew this very well but no one said anything.

At the end Abhinav couldn't hold so he spoke.

"We need to talk." He announced in an authoritative tone which means he isn't asking but ordering them.

"About??" Shaurya asked and Abhinav looked at Aarushi and then at Shaurya.

"You know it very well." And Shaurya was now sure that Aarushi told him everything.

"We will wait for Krish and Nikita, outside." Said Abhinav


A/n's pov

So now they all were in Abhinav's apartment which he rarely uses.

There were three sofa.

One was large and other two were two seaters and were facing each other.

Abhinav and Aarushi were sitting on the large sofa and Tanya and Shaurya and Nikita and Krish were sitting on the two seater sofas.

The room had pin drop silence.

Abhinav was getting impatient.

"Will anyone say anything??" He said grabbing everyone's attention.

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