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It was evening time and Y/n sleeping peacefully being tired but some whispering disturbed her sleep 

Felix:" should we wake her up?"

Han:" you do it I don't have the courage look how peacefully she is sleeping"

Changbin:" just do it you punk" he wisphered yelled

Han:" hyung lower down you voice you will wake her up!!" 

Y/n:" what do you want oppas?" she said annoyingly as her sleep got disturbed and she rubbed her eyes but they just cooed at her cuteness

Y/n:" what?"  

Han:" nothing you just looked to cute to resists" it made Y/n smile a little 

Changbin:" so wake up now it's evening and dinner is going to be ready in sometimes"

Y/n:" okie I am going to washroom to freshen up" they all nodded and went out of the room and Y/n went inside bathroom to get freshen up and wore comfortable cloths a black oversized shirt and black trackpant then tied her hair in a bun and went downstairs 

Y/n:" good evening everyone"

Chan:" good evening Y/n did you like it here?" he smiled at her 

Y/n:" yea I feel very comfortable here" she also smiled at him 

Chan:" good to hear"

Y/n:" well I'm gonna head to kitchen to drink water" Chan nodded and shifted his gaze back to his laptop doing his work then she went to kitchen and saw Lee Know cooking dinner and peeked from side 

Y/n:" what are you making oppa?" it startled Lee Know

Lee Know:" ahhh kkamjjagiya ( you startled me)!! what are you doing here?"

Y/n:" sorry oppa I just came to drink water" she smiled innocently while Lee Know scoffed 

Lee know:" I'm making tteokbokki ( korean rice cake), jjigae (korean stew) and Kimchi fried rice 

Y/n:" ohhh then can I help you making these I'm good in cooking" but Lee know just gave her a side eye not believing her 

Lee know:" I don't want my kitchen to be ruined"

Y/n:" uhh believe me oppa I'm a good cook pls let me help please pretty please" showing him the puppy eyes to which he definitely got melt

Lee Know:" ok go first wear an apron and wash your hand then only you will touch the utensils"

y/n:" yes sir" Lee know chuckled and went back to cooking  and Y/n quickly wore the apron and washed her hands 

Lee Know:" do you even know how to cook it?"

Y/n:" don't worry just tell me where are ingredients"

Lee Know: sigh" ok so butter is in the mini refrigerator and  olive oil is in that upper cabinate and vegetable are in the second refrigerator and kimchi is in the mini one soy sauce is also in the mini one  ok" said while cooking the stew

Y/n:" ok got it" she took and ingredient and chopped it in small cube pieces "oppa where is the pan"

Lee know:" oh it's in the cabniate to the left"

Twisted Road // A Yang Jeongin ffWhere stories live. Discover now