The Ancient and The Future

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As Lucario and Zarah became a couple... Ash, Goh and the others are still traveling through time and dimensions. It seems like they are successful!

Prof. Lusamine - Good! Everything went well. No problems while traveling through dimensions, now all we have to do is to find out where we should go. I can't seem to find a path that can lead us to the futuristic Ultra beast

Ash - Huh? (walks) Hey! There's a way there!

Goh and the others - Where?!

Ash - There! When you walk up for a bit, the time around us curves.

Prof. Lusamine - I see! Good going Ash! Now, let's go!

Ash, Goh and the others - We're right behind you!

Ash and the others ran and ran and ran with no end.. Prof. Lusamine is puzzled.

Prof. Lusamine - What... We are running for like 5 minutes and no results. Also, look at the time! It's already 6:30 AM! We just left our dimension 6 minutes ago. So that means time travels faster here! Good thing I came up with a solution, just in case we ended in this kind of situation! We will split up into 2 teams. The Ash's team will consist of Kiawe, Goh, Lilie and Lana, they will run back to where we came from and my team will consist of my assistants, we will run in the opposite direction, in that way, time will give us a chance to travel in the past and to the future. I'll be giving you kids this portal device.. I have a spare one on me..

Ash - I don't get it...

Goh and his friends - Don't worry! Just run in the opposite direction just like Prof. Lusamine said.

Ash - I'm still confused but ok! Are you guys ready?

Everyone - Yes!

Ash - On my mark! Set! Run as fast as you can!

Everyone ran as fast as they could. They ran and ran and ran, the space around them started to warp and a flash of lights blinded Ash's team..

Ash and his team are blinded by the lights. They opened their eyes and saw a world where all of the fossil pokemons that they saw on their dimension are there..

Goh - Those pokemons! They are all fossil pokemons!

Ash - WOAH! I saw an Aerodactyl!

Goh - A Dracovish too!

Kiawe - So.. those are fossil pokemons?

Lana and Lilie - Looks like it...

Ash - He-Hey! That pokemon looks like a cyclizar!

Goh - Really?! Where?

Ash - In the woods! It's looking at us!

Kiawe - Huh! It looks big... Hey, Lilie, isn't that pokemon that matches the description of what are we trying to find?

Lilie - (gasp) Yes! But I don't know....

Goh - Huh?

Lilie - From what I saw, the Ultra beast is 4 legged and has a huge neck... So that pokemon must be the Ultra beast!

Ash - Ok! So.. Let's catch it!

Kiawe and Goh - I'll go with you..

Lilie and Lana - We will stay here to keep on lookout!

Ash - Thanks!

Lilie - Goodluck!

Ash, Kiwae and Goh went down at the hill at an insane speed.. The Pokemon is caught by suprised and tried to run away but Ash's Pilachu used electro web to catch the Ultra beast but it only slowed it down. Goh and Kiawe sent Cinderace and Marowak to neutralize the Ultra beast. They were successful!

Ash - Alright! I packed a couple of Beast balls before we went to investigate.. Now.. (Throws the Beast Ball at the Ultra beast)

The ball failed to catch the Ultra beast!

Ash - (Shocked) Why didn't it work? Ultra ball is super effective when it comes to catching Ultra beast!...

Goh - Reallym But you said that this pokemon looks like a cyclizar... So this pokemon....

Kiawe - So this means.. It's a normal pokemon?

Goh - I guess so..

Ash - Huh? I guess I'll just my ultra ball for it.

Goh - Ultra Ball? Where did you get that Ultra ball?

Ash - While I was walking my way back to Prof. Kukui's house, I found this on the beach..

Goh - Huh, nice... (Luckyyy)

Ash threw the Ultra ball at the Pokemon and it was successful!

Everyone saw it and is happy that they caught the mysterious pokemon..

-On the other dimension-

Prof. Lusamine - The Beast ball failed... This means that it's just an average pokemon... We're in a futuristic enviroment... Ever since we came here.. Every pokemon that we saw is made of metal... Make it stay still! (Throws a pokeball)

Assistants - Yes! Ma'am!

Prof. Lusamine threw a pokeball and was successful.

Ash and Prof. Lusamine opened the portal after they caught the pokemons that matches the description..

Ash's team and Prof. Lusamine's opened the portal, both teams ran into the portal as soon as it opened... The two teams met and explained what happened.

Prof. Lusamine - I see, you caught a pokemon that looks like a cyclizar?

Ash - Yes! It was red and huge! It also matches the description what we're trying to find!

Prof. Lusamine - Good one! I also got the pokemon what we're trying to catch! It's body is full of metal and seems to be a futuristic pokemon.

Ash - Future?! Ours is like acient, it's full of fossil pokemons!

Prof. Lusamine - Acient?! So that means you kids traveled in the past and we traveled in the future... Write this down!

Assistants - Yes! Ma'am

Prof. Lusamine - Let's get going! We don't want to lose more time!

Ash- Alright!

As Ash and Prof. Lusamine was successful at catching the mysterious pokemon! It looks like our heroes will be taking a while to get back home!

-To be Continued

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