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"You going somewhere?" John asked, leaning against Robin's bedroom door as he ate some pasta from a bowl.

"Yeah," Robin replied, laying out two suits to place in a garment bag. "The Queen has a state visit in another city and I need to accompany her. I'll be gone for a couple days."

John looked impressed. "Your first work trip for the Queen. Where are you going? And how does the Queen travel?"

"She's going by car," Robin said. "We're going to Hyperion-by-the-Sea, so it's only a few hours away. But she has meetings all day tomorrow, a state dinner that night and then some public engagements in the morning. I should be back by the following afternoon if the schedule I made up holds."

"And how are you traveling?" John asked.

Robin shrugged. "I assume by car too. Tink just said everything was handled and I just need to show up tomorrow morning with a bag packed."

"Will you be in the same car as the Queen?" John asked, now clearly intrigued by Robin's first business trip as the Queen's assistant.

"Honestly, I don't know," Robin said, admittedly unnerved by the thought of spending three to four hours with the Queen. "I guess I'll find out tomorrow."

John nodded. "And if you are?"

Going over to where he kept his ties, Robin shrugged. "I'll survive. Besides, she'll probably ignore me for most of the trip."

"You sure?" John asked. "You said she's been trying to talk with you more."

Robin paused as he debated between two ties, considering the few awkward conversations he had had with Her Majesty over the past week or so. He shrugged. "I think she just forces herself to be normal or polite or something. If I keep being cool with her, I think she'll stop trying and probably not care. Might even be relieved."

"Makes sense," John replied. He grinned. "You might become her favorite employee ever."

"If it comes with perks and raises, I won't complain," Robin said. He then paused before adding: "Too much."

John laughed, shaking his head. "When you're done, I have dinner in the kitchen."

"What did you make?" Robin asked before holding up the two ties. "And which one should I bring?"

"Bring both," John said. "And I made linguine and shrimp."

Robin's stomach grumbled as he packed away the two ties. "Sounds good. I'll be right out to enjoy it."

"You know, I'm a bit jealous of you," John said, still standing in the doorway.

"Jealous?" Robin asked, straightening up. "How?"

John swallowed his latest bite before saying: "I've seen pictures of those state dinners. You're going to get some amazing food, even if you're eating in the kitchen."

Robin chuckled. "Always thinking about food, yeah?"

"Always," his friend replied. "You have to tell me all about it when you get home, okay?"

"Okay," Robin said, deciding he could finish packing after dinner. Stepping away from his bed, he motioned to the door. "But first I need to eat the dinner you made."

John stepped aside, grinning. "After you."

Robin left his bedroom and headed to the kitchen. After preparing himself a bowl and grabbing a beer, he sat down at the table. John followed, joining him as well. Robin took a few bites before saying: "This is delicious."

"Thanks," John said. "I saw this recipe and thought I would try it."

"You picked a good one," Robin agreed, taking another bite before washing it down with a swig of his beer.

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