Chapter 2

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He tries to find the logic behind why he was expelled, to no avail. The only possible conclusion is that there has been an injustice... As he enters the room, he notices Ado standing in front of her locker. He approaches her and speaks.

Giovanni: "What's going on with you, Adèle ?"

Adèle: "Giovanni... I've been expelled from school because I made propaganda ! I... don't understand anything..."

Giovanni: "You too !"

Adèle: "What are you talking about ?"

Giovanni: "I was also expelled for propaganda... When what I was saying wasn't propaganda at all! "

Adèle: "What was it exactly?"

Giovanni explains to Adèle what he's been accused of, and Adèle reacts: 'It's really unfair what you've done!' Giovanni says to her: "'I imagine it's the same for you, I can't imagine how you could make propaganda in the middle of an art class..."

Adèle said in a confident tone: 'Well, like you, I didn't make any propaganda! I simply explained when my students told me that they had a question coming up in art history about 'art' with big inverted commas used for fascist propaganda posters, but that their teacher, Ms Silva, had explained her lesson very badly, and they hadn't understood it at all. Since my design students are very important to me, I thought I'd explain it to them. I explained the process and to finish, I reminded them that these fascist propaganda posters and so on were created to manipulate the population. I don't know how Ms Silva did her lesson, but I thought I'd just remind myself. I absolutely want it to not be problematic. But here's what happened! A number of students complained that I was expressing my political opinions in class, and the headmistress preferred to listen to THEIR point of view rather than mine.

Giovanni, with an air of determination, exclaims: "Yes, it's the same for me. Since the school management won't wait for anything, we might as well try complaining to the courts! They don't have the right to fire us, it's unfair!". Adèle, convinced, tells him: "You're right!"

Giovanni calls the nearby courthouse, and a secretary answers him directly. He explained his request, but the secretary told him that he could not contest his dismissal, as a new law had come into force forbidding the contestation of dismissals. Suddenly, Adèle tilted her head and said in a shy voice: "I need to tell you something, Giovanni, I don't want to leave this job, even though I wasn't earning much, but finding another job is complicated. Now that one child in two goes to school at a distance with these artificial intelligence bastards, we're not needed any more... Added to the fact that I don't earn much money, I don't know how I'm going to manage to live properly... Giovanni went over to her and gave her a hug. Adèle smiles and Giovanni whispers, "Don't worry, I'll help you if I have to."

The headmistress enters the room and notices them. She coldly asks them to hurry up. They leave the school in a huff. It's 7pm and the temperature is dropping. In the street, he notices several guys on ladders, apparently installing surveillance cameras on lampposts. Giovanni and Ado say goodbye, and keep in touch. Giovanni gets into his car and drives home. As he enters, he lies down on his sofa, tired from his day, and starts thinking : DAMN IT, IT'S NOT POSSIBLE TO BE FIRED LIKE THAT. He turns on his little television set in a huff. It's broadcasting Rosaria Imparato's presidential address, she's still dressed in an extravagant look; short black hair, false eyelashes, a long fuchsia pink jacket sparkling with broken hearts on her armband. The woman is standing in front of a lectern, speaking : "Hihihihihi, my dearest compatriots, italians, since I came to power, my only duty has been to put the country back on its feet. It's been too long since the previous leaders left our Italians in danger, and insecurity has only increased due to migration. According to figures, 1 Italian in 2 feels unsafe in the street. Whose fault is that? The fault of the immigrants, the Arabs. The Islamo-leftists will say it's not true, but let's face the problem.immigrants are dangerous for Italy. That's why, in a few days time, I intend to launch a reform to control this migration. In addition, from now on, every street in every Italian city will be equipped with cameras to ensure the safety of the Italian people. In the near future, I intend to set up a new, more efficient police force to remove the government's troublesome element. I think my dear compatriots that" - Giovanni turns off the TV and says to himself: 'Shut up fascist lady, I'm going to sleep thinking of a better world in which no matter what our origin, everyone would be accepted.

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