Author's Note

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               The date is June 30th 2015. The time is 4:51 AM.

               Hello! I've decided to write a cliche after reading so many during summer break. I've documented the date and time because I'm planning on completing, or at least getting far into the story, before slowly publishing chapters. Also, to silently show myself I'm up at five AM reading clique romance novels on Wattpad and getting story ideas.

               As always, I'm excited. I'm not completely sure where I want to go with this but I want it to be my best work of art yet. (Compared to my crappy doodles and personal poems, lyrics, and short stories, of course.)

               With this story, if it happens to get noticed enough, let alone at all, I plan on dedicating chapters to my favorite commenters. So if your comment makes me smile, you might get a dedication.

               Plus, if you are Australian (or well informed about Australia, although I'd much prefer and inside source) please correct me on any cultural differences I missed, or something that seems out of place, for I am only one uniformed writer who relies on the internet and my assumptions.

               Oh! Lastly, little note to anyone I know personally who is reading this: I try not to Mary Sue my characters (not too much at least) but I do find myself incorporating some of my friends while writing about characters to give them a more realistic and relatable vibe. With that said, if I know you and you're all "That sounds like me" it probably is. P.S. It's not one person specifically incorporated into one single character throughout the whole book. I switch and change every paragraph or so.

               Now, please, person probably reading this in 2018 because I'm lazy and procrastinate and will probably forget about this story within a few hours, do enjoy the story I have yet to write.

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