The Beginning

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After hours of playing on the game, you decide you would like to log out, however you find no log out button. With a slight panic in your mind, you look around but realize no other players are around. You're about to start going to the town but you feel a sensation, instantly you're in the town, other players appearing around you as well. You're confused and as a man starts speaking, you're paralyzed with fear. You listen to what he says, instantly taking out the small mirror that was placed in your inventory. A light blinds you and you gasped when you see your image. You don't look like your character anymore, instead you look like. . . you. 

The man disappears and everyone is freaking out, you cannot escape the game until someone reaches floor 100 and beats the boss there. 

You're stuck.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2015 ⏰

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