005. ─── flying solo

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EPISODE THREE:flying solo !

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flying solo !

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KAT AND JULIE HAD BEEN SEARCHING FOR FLYNN FOR WHAT FELT LIKE HOURS. They had gotten to the point of going back to Julie's to take a break from searching, when their eyes landed on the person they wanted to see the most.

"Flynn!" Julie exclaimed. "What are you doing here? Kat and I have been looking all over for you!"

Flynn huffed. "Not everywhere, 'cause here I am."

"Well, considering this was the place we checked first. . ."

"We've been texting you all day," Julie stated, walking up the path to get closer to Flynn. "You could've at least texted us back."

"I sent a poop emoji in the group chat. I think it said everything. I was just leaving this," Flynn then pulled a Golden Trio t-shirt out of her backpack, and Kat frowned. "I won't need it anymore."

"I'm not taking it," Julie refused. "Neither is Kat."

"Fine, then my dad can wash his car with it, though all this betrayal on it might scratch his paint."

"Look. Kat and I are very sorry for not telling you, but I ─ I need you to know how important you are to me. There's no way I would've made it through this year if it wasn't for you and Kat."

Kat nodded. "Yeah. Flynn, you're a part of who we are. The three of us wouldn't even be friends, and Golden Trio wouldn't exist if it wasn't for you. You mean a lot to us."

"Yet it was three strangers that got Julie back into music," Flynn stated. "I don't need people in my life who lie and keep things from me. Goodbye, Julie. Goodbye, Kat."

Kat turned to Julie as Flynn began to walk away. They couldn't lie to Flynn. Even if it did make them sound crazy.

Julie grabbed Flynn's shoulders and pushed her back. "They're ghosts."

"What?" Flynn asked in shock, and Kat turned back to look over at her.

"The people in our band. They aren't holograms, they're ghosts. And when we play together, people can see them."

"What do you mean ghosts?" Flynn repeated. "Like the kind that rattle chains and go boo?"

"No," Julie answered. "And I'm pretty sure that's just a hurtful ghost stereotype. These ones are just normal dead dudes. Well. . . Reggie's a little questionable."

Kat's head snapped over to Julie, suddenly feeling very defensive. "Hey! Leave Reggie out of it."

Flynn then pulled out her phone and started typing.

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