Part 6.5 || Medical Attention

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"meowmeoww... oh dear...."
Dr.Retro said, examining it closer.
"seems like parasites."
"different ones."
"ones that are missing texture and cement like"
"Wallter is in a very bad state."
"It's tearing his insides apart."
"But since he already is made out of concrete.. (practically) this new parasite is gonna corrupt and obliterate his system faster than before, which will expose him to even more vulnerability and will end up changing the inside and outside of him. Half of this parasite's traces can possibly come from germs.. pink ones."

Hey this may sound confusing
But uhhh yes
Kasper mixed his germs with da gray stuff so
Okay I sound stupid asf

Since Wallter has been drinking a lot of wet cement he's an addict yeah it's no good for him yeah uh yes it destroy him and with kasper germ combined it deadly!!!
"I'll have to study this sometime soon."
Dr.Retro said, her cat ears perking.

Mannequin Mark watched in the distance, sitting next to Pest. He eyed Wallter, feeling bad for him. He just wanted to tell him that everything was gonna be okay..
but he's not with him anymore.

Why should he even try.

but he still tried lul
Mannequin Mark got up and approached Wallter cautiously.
"Don't get too close."
Dr.Retro reminded him, stopping him before he could get a feet closer. Mark understood what she said, but he still felt like trying to get closer to Wallter.
He silently murmured, slightly lending out a hand before pulling back. Retro eyed Mark, wary of his actions.
"Ahem.. get a little farther away."
Dr.Retro firmly demanded with a foot stopping Mark's, a little bit of attitude stringed with her tone.
"..Fine." Mark sighed out, backing away.
There were whines heard from the other side of the lab. It was probably Poob in pain again. Pest growled angrily at the sound, his red eyes narrowing. Of course, he was restrained with straps onto his seat. Just in case if he had an outrage.
A door opened in the background.
It was Pilby that came out of it :D
They were caving in the room after hearing about the situation so yes
"Guys?.. :O("
"Is everything alright now?"
Pilby asked, still hesitant about entering the same room as Wallter.
"No, not really."
Dr.Retro answered them, continuing to examine Wallter and the tests.
Pilby stepped back in the room, closing the door
Bive slouched against Split's shoulder unintentionally (maybe), for they were sitting next to eachother. Split noticed her, tilting her head slightly to look at Bive.
"Hm? What's the matter? :P"
Split asked, wondering if Bive was wanting to say something.
"I just like being in your presence.."
She admitted with a faint blush that Split couldn't notice.
"Oh, okay then."
Split responded with, a gentle smile displayed on her face as she looked away.
"Hey, ever since you've been bathing when we moved in together, you've been smelling good lately."
Split commented, ruffling her hair gently before pulling her hand away.
"..HA, really?"
"Of course! ^_^"
Bive looked down at herself, grasping at her loose shorts.
She murmured.

Bathing was her worst fear (besides from the government)

guess she overcame it
"Ah, Bive, may you look over Wallter while I treat Poob? It's.. critical.. haha." Retro turned around to ask Bive, who was slouched against Split's shoulder a bit. "AH, sure." Bive slightly sat up, shifting out of her position. As she got up, her tail was slightly wagging from her conversation with Split just a few seconds ago.
"oh jeez he looks crippled" Bive paused in her tracks just to mutter out, analyzing his state.

Guys im going to hope I won't post part 7 in a month ☺️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26 ⏰

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