1. Warning

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"Uzumaki Naruto!" Itachi's monotone voice greeted Naruto, making him gasp, especially after seeing his appearance, covered in blood and a tanto in his hand, "I have come to warn you!"

Naruto's blue eyes widened as they met Itachi's dangerous red which spun as a pattern of three-blade shuriken appeared in place of previous tomoes.

"Tsukiyomi", the last thing he saw before his world turned red and black. He found himself running away from something while shinobis in black cloaks with red clouds on them chased him. Their headbands represented different villages, including the great five, though every headband had a line cutting through the engraved insignia.

"Run Naruto-Kun....Run....", he heard Itachi speak, "The Akatsuki will hunt you!"

His eyes fell on the cloaked shinobis who were chasing him, now each of them was seen singlehandedly dominating entire platoons of shinobi while causing destruction all around.

"Each one of them, S-ranked. Some are stronger than me. Some stronger than the Hokage," Itachi's voice continues as Naruto sew one of the cloaked figures who had a swirly mask phase through incoming kunai and shuriken as if he were a ghost, and then stabbing three ninjas one after other effortlessly, a sharingan peeking through one eyed hole of swirly mask. 

"We will come for you, Naruto-kun," Itachi continued, "So, grow stronger if you wish to survive... otherwise you will be nothing but a corpse..."

Itachi would have continued but a malevolent chakra which he clearly remembered from nearly seven years ago, washed over him and the red and black world of Tsukiyomi started to crack.

"Impossible!" The fourteen-year-old clan slayer murmured to himself, "The genjustu should be unbreakable, with only control in the mangekyo sharingan of the caster..."

As the genjutsu world shattered, leaving Naruto barely conscious, two large slitted red eyes opened in the dark. Naruto washed up in red chakra as the angry voice of the owner of the feral eye growls to no one, "That retched sharingan!"

Itachi composed himself after being thrown out of 'his' genjutsu and remarked to Naruto warily. He still keeps a composed face as he speaks, "Get strong if you want to survive. We are coming for you!" and left in the murder of crows. Naruto never noticed one of the crow's eye pulse as it focused on him, neither did he notice the four-bladed shuriken in the peculiar red eyes of said crow. 


For two days Naruto didn't get out of his house. Not that many cared. The Hokage had sent ANBU unknown to Naruto, and they had reported that he was right. Well, physically he was, but the mental effect of the information Itachi had given him, combined with the effects of Kotoamatsukami, had a deep impact on his juvenile seven-year-old mind. 

For Naruto had abandoned his dream of becoming Hokage and getting people to acknowledge him. He didn't care. He wouldn't have time to appease people when he would be busy fighting for his survival anyway. He didn't have enough time and he was going to be hunted by ten S-rank ninjas, every one of which was capable of destroying armies alone. Hell, Itachi who was their youngest member had single-handedly slaughtered his own clan, which was also boasted as the strongest clan of Konoha. And he was fourteen years old... just fourteen!

Though it also gave him hope. After all, if Itachi could do it, why couldn't he? 

At that moment, he promised himself that he wasn't going to waste his time anymore by playing silly pranks and smiling at the cold-hearted people who seemed to hate his existence. He would train, day and night if it took... but he was going to be strong enough to survive what was coming for him. 

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