2. The Graduation!

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"Katon: Gokakyu no jutsu! (Fire Release: Great Fireball technique!", Numerous voices chorused as 12 fireballs launched towards Naruto, merging to form a gigantic ball of fire on the way.

"Shit! These idiots," Naruto groaned looking at the clones, "I told them to take it easy. It's graduation day for Kami's sake."

A red cloak of chakra covered him, his bright blue eyes turning red, his whisker-like birthmarks thickening and his nails elongating. He looked positively feral.

"Here goes nothing," He growled and extended his hand, the red chakra acting as an extension of his limb, forming a gigantic hand, catching the large fireball into it, blocking and dispelling it before it reached him.

(A/n- No Naruto isn't in KCM mode, just Kyuubi 0-tail cloak)

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(A/n- No Naruto isn't in KCM mode, just Kyuubi 0-tail cloak)

He smirked seeing his tactic succeeding. The Kyuubi had been a great help to Naruto, ever since he met him last year. Though it has helped him escape Itachi's genjutsu and kept him wary of suspicious people, Naruto didn't know that it was Kyuubi's chakra that enabled him to do so, till last year.

Somehow, from the genjutsu Itachi had put him in, where the silhouettes of those dangerous shinobi who would be hunting him, were shown fighting the tailed beasts, not that Naruto knew that time, the Kyuubi had deduced it was him, they were hunting rather than Naruto. So it had watched over him and only pulled him to his mindscape last year when the Kyuubi had deemed him worthy enough to be in his presence. It was quite an interesting conversation filled with threats, intimidation, disbelief, acceptance and agreement. In return for access to Naruto's senses, the Kyuubi would allow Naruto to borrow his chakra. A deal that Naruto happily accepted. Making a deal with the beast who had killed his parents was indeed not easy, but Naruto had to an extent, sympathized with the fox. After all, it hadn't asked to be sealed within any of the jinchuriki. Naruto knew that he would have done the same thing, that is trying to escape, if knew he was going to be stuffed in a body not even the size of his nail, his freedom stripped for a long time if not forever.

His parents' identity was a whole other complete can of worms. He was the son of Namikaze Minato, the Yondaime Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina, the previous jimchuriki of the Kyuubi. He was the son of the two most important figures of Konoha, especially if the recently ended Third Shinobi War, was taken into mind. Though it wasn't easy to swallow, why he was kept in the dark regarding their identity, he understood why it had to be done. He could only imagine the number of Assassination and Kidnaping attempts, once it got out someone with the name Namikaze, was still alive. Thankfully, once he was done with his goal, he would be strong enough to be proudly recognised as a child of his parents. While there was a little glumness and heartbreak, at his father giving him such an ugly fate, he was still proud to be their child. Especially, when they had sacrificed their life to save his.

His thoughts on the matter were broken, as the brief taijutsu fray with his clones was broken, and he had to raise a hasty 'Suijenheki (Water Encampment wall)' to defend himself from five incoming 'Karyuendan (Dragon flame bomb)'. Not that it was enough. He was still hit with 3 of the B-rank fire techniques, with only an increase in the chakra of Kyuubi's cloak saving him from serious injury.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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