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•bass, kam jara yeh gam jara krde•

Author's pov~

Location - Somewhere, after one  !

A room filled with darkness, where only table lamp was on, a man entered inside the room with cigarette in his hand, he sat on his chair and looked at photo.

Photo of Singhaina's and Gupta's family.

A smirk formed on his lips, he took out his gun and point his it toward that photo and closed his eyes, he placed his index finger on trigger.

The gunshot echoed deafeningly in the confines of the room, he didn't even flinch, he opened his eyes and smirked again.

He stood up and walked toward it, bullet crossed through inayat, atharva and arya photo, he caressed it a little and said "killing three birds with one stone"

He went and sat down on his chair again "your count down starts now" he stared at them.


"Atharva I told you na don't place your towel on bed" inayat shout as she saw towel on bed, atharva came toward her and smiled with puppy eyes "haha, sorry moonlight" she glare at him.

Suddenly her phone start ringing and she picked it up "hello mom how are you?" She said "I'm good"sawati said "inayat beta I was saying if you can come with atharva and farhaan and visit here?" She said "atharva can we visit my dad house today?" Inayat asked him and he nodded.

"Yes mom we will come" inayat said "Okay we're waiting " sawati said and cut the call, they went there after a hour with farhaan.

As they stepped out from car they saw everyone standing infront of main gate, Aditya ran toward them,  inayat thought he's coming to hug her but he picked farhaan up and twril him around, his giggles filled everywhere.

Dad came toward  but didn't hug her instead he hugged atharva, she turned and glare at atharva, he winked at her and back hug her dad "how are you dad?" Atharva asked.

"I'm good bacha how are you?", "I'm good too"  Atharva smiled, sawati and other came too but they met atharva and farhaan first.

Ahaan came toward inayat first and embraced her "how is my princess?" He said as he caressed her hairs "I'm good bhai, you see na no one came to meet me everyone just met atharva first" she yelled a little so that she can gain everyone attention.

Everyone started laughing at her "ohh my inayat is jealous?" Dad said and shove away Ahaan bhai

Inayat's pov~
I looked at atharva who was smiling at me.

Suddenly my life take a U-turn, I'm with my family, I'm with my farhaan, I have best in-laws, I've atharva by my side.

If I had said no for marriage then, maybe all this never happened, i would've go back to my work in another country, no one by my side just me and myself.

Getting up, going to work, coming back to house, meeting to farhaan and sleep and repeat, now farhaan have a new family, if Ishita and kabir would came to me before marriage they would surely take away farhaan from me after knowing farhaan have no family rather than me.

All of this happened because of ATHARVA SINGH SINGHANIA, if happy today I'm because of him.


"Moonlight" atharva shout from upstairs, mom and Chachi looked at me in teasing manners "Moonlight, where are you wifeyy?" He again shout, I lowered my head and closed my eyes for seconds and went to room.

"Kya hai?, puare ghar mai moonlight Moonlight krte ghum rahe hai" I yelled at him, he looked at me with puppy eyes "don't look at me like this" he walked toward me and pulled me closer.

"Why?" I looked staright into his eyes and answered "this eyes are reason of my death" he chuckled and gently grab bed my face with his hands and give peck on my whole face and i started laughing at his action but he didn't stopped.

He moved back after giving a forehead kiss and said "itni pyaari baatein na Kiya kijiye aur kitna aapne pyaar mai girana chahti hai aap?" He said and joined his forehead with mine.

"Itna ki aap kabhi bahaar na nikal paaye hamre pyaar mai se"  I giggled
How was author pov in starting?🤌🏻

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