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Sanju searched for rohit every where in the apartment but couldn't find him and when he reached the terrace he saw rohit staring at the moon he went near him and saw he was crying he gently patted on his shoulder

Sanju : Bhaiya

Rohit turned to look at him seeing his eyes sanju could guess how hurt rohit was

Rohit : Huh, you didn't go to rest go sleep I am fine

Sanju : After seeing like this even if I try also I won't be able to sleep, so leave that, you know what bhai you may say that you are fine but your eyes has betrayed you and it clearly shows that you are not fine. If you consider me as your little brother please speak up bhai

Rohit : I know sanju, I know that shub didn't mean a single thing that he told me but the way he spoke and accused me of not caring about Prathiksha to be honest it hurts, does he think so low of me . Does he feel that Prathiksha mean nothing to me, you know what when we got to know the truth from Sam I was the most happiest one I felt like its not Rahul but me who got back my sister, my love and care for her doubled and protectiveness increased but it didn't decrease, I was also worried for her I also didn't want to leave her alone in that apartment like that and I was just trying to calm him down making him understand the importance of the situation but he...... He took.... It in a completely different sense..... He....... Considerd my love for Prathiksha so lowly.... I'm not mad at him.... I am just you know..... Hurt. .... That's it

Sanju: Bhaiya, I understand. It must have been really hard to hear those words from someone you care about. But you know, sometimes people say things they don't mean when they're upset or scared.

Rohit: I know, Sanju. But it's just... it's like he doesn't see me for who I am. All these while , I've tried my best to be there for Prathiksha, to protect her, to love her like she's my own sister. And for him to doubt that... it's like a knife to the heart.

Sanju: I get it, Bhaiya. It's like your whole world is being questioned, right? But you know, you've shown your love for Prathiksha time and time again. And deep down, Shub knows that too. He's just overwhelmed with everything that's happened.

Rohit: Maybe... But it still hurts, Sanju. It hurts more than I can put into words. And seeing Prathiksha... knowing what she's been through... it breaks me, Sanju. I feel like I've failed her somehow.

Sanju: No, Bhaiya, you haven't failed anyone. You've been her rock, her protector. And yeah, things might be tough right now, but we'll get through this together. You're not alone in this, Bhaiya. I'm here for you, always.

Rohit: Thank you, Sanju. Thank you for being here, for listening. I don't know what I'd do without you. You're like the little brother I never had.

Sanju: And you're like the big brother I've always looked up to. We'll get through this, Bhaiya, I promise. Together, as a family.

Rohit : It's quite late I think we should go inside as you said things might be tough right now but as time moves everything will get better

Sanju : Exactly, now let's go inside everyone else is also worried about you especially vi bhai

Shubman enters ishan and his shared room only to see ishan sitting on the bed looking at the ground he went towards him and sit beside him, ishan look into his eyes and he could see nothing else but pure guilt after the silence of a minute shubman spoke

Shubman : Ishu yaar I am sorry i know I have over reacted not only to the entire situation but to you and ro bhai, but you know right how I am I was just so overwhelmed with anger and protectiveness that I forgot about to whom I am talking and about the way I have spoken, I feel ashamed and guilty about my behavior please forgive me I promise I won't repeat my behavior and I will try my best to control my anger and emotions and will take care not to let it out at the wrong time in a wrong way  please forgive me

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