Who are you?

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Natalie had just got off the plane in Sydney and caught another plane to a place called Canberra the capital of Australia when she was about half an hour her sister Ava came and called.

"Hey Natalie, how was your flight from Ireland to Sydney?" ava asked.

"Really long and boring and I still have a 2-hour flight go" she whined.

"Well remember when you get home to just chill remember you hurt your arm, so you need to rest it" she warned.

" How the fuck do you know about that only the people who went there know about it" Natalie wondered

"Remember the Media they make news like that spread like wildfire" Ava mumbled.

"Anyway, I need to board I will see you in a few hours love you sis see you soon "Natalie said.

"bye" ava said as she hung up, she said goodbye to the team then got on the plan she had to sit in first class because everyone will recognize her in economy were as people in first class would be glued to their Tv's, so she set off to Canberra.

                                                      ----------------####TIME SKIP####---------------

Finally, she landed in the Canberra airport and got in a shiny black uber that she called to take her to her apartment. She tipped the uber driver before walking up the stairs. As she got to the door of her apartment, she saw that the handle had been burnt and the wood stained black with a thin smoke still coming off. She septically opened the door to see a man with bright orange horns on the floor with her green cheeked conure perched on his face looking quite proud of herself as she pecked his nose, making him squeal like a pig being wrestled. I took one look at her, and she quickly ruffled her feathers before flapping her wings in excitement before flying to land on her shoulder before she could take another step closer, she realised the man was no longer in front of her. Suddenly she heard the man behind her approaching.

"Guys there another human coming!" Before my brain had a chance to comprehend what happened I felt a person pick me up, and let's just say I had never screamed so loud in my life.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH " the blue horned demon dude yelled, covering his ears in pain.

"IF YOU HARM A SINGLE HAIR ON MY SISTERS HEAD, I WILL KICK YOU SO HARD IN THE STOMACH YOUR WHOLE RIBCAGE WILL SHATTER" I screamed at his back since I was slung over his shoulder and couldn't see his face. Without hesitation he let go of me and I plummeted to the ground face first with a loud thud. Welp. There goes a few braincell's I thought bitterly as I clutched my arm in pain and groaned when I lifted my head only to get a strong headache. The man observed closely, watching me as I clutch at my arm. This time when he tried to pick me up but this time making sure that he didn't throw her over his shoulder, this time cradling her in his arms gently. When he turned around, I noticed my sister being held back by a green demon who simply held his arm in front of her and she couldn't push past. In unison me and my sister both started screaming our lungs out but the one with green horns covered her mouth with his hand the guy who had picked put his hand on my mouth but instead of letting him cover my mouth I bit him so hard that he yelled "fucking hell" before dropping me I made a run for the door but the demon with white horns grabbed me without even considering my arm I screamed in pain as I saw ava my vision started to blur before everything went black.

                   ***Natalie wakes up***

She sat up and opened her eyes, squinting as the light shone through her eyelids. As she adjusted to the light, she saw by far the most HANDSOME guy I has ever seen crouching beside her with an emotionless smirk. My heart pounded and I threw myself backwards, in result I ended up tipping over the side of the bed and landing on the ground with a groan. Stupid, stupid, STUPID cute boys! I thought acidly. I pushed myself up, wincing at the pain that shot up my arm and stood up feeling slightly dizzy. "Wow she actually survived!" an unrecognisable voice called out. I turned my head and saw a group of other cute guys at the door. They were all demon looking since they had knife sharp horns, each a different colour. Light blue, dark blue, green, orange and white. All of them faded into black except for the white horned guy. I felt my legs buckled underneath me and I was grateful that I fell to the side, landing on the bed. "Never mind. I think we ended up killing her after all" The white horned one said.

"Nah, she's still breathing idiots. But if you want her dead that badly I can sort that out for you dumbasses." A female voice chimed in. I sat up slightly and saw a Demon with blood red horn that faded into black like the others, and a light shade of orange hair tied up in a wavy pony tail walk across the room towards me. She reached to the side of her belt and pulled out a blade, twisting it in the light so it reflected.

"No thanks Bobbi, I don't want you killing anyone today." the cute one said, pushing the blade down gently by the top of it where it won't cut him." She looked about my age now that I looked closely. She scowled but tucked the knife away and stalked off to stand beside the grumpy demon with white horns. My head raced with multiple question. Why did they want me to die? Who are they? I recognised the girl as Bobbi because that's what the cute one called her. But who were the others? Too many questions!  I glance from one demon to the next. 

"Who are you all?" I whispered, fear blocking away most of my voice. They each introduced themself, the white was Asch, the green was Leif, the orange was Noi, the light blue was Pierce, the dark blue was Ryse and the red as I already knew was Bobbi. 

"Bobbi, you stay here and guard her, the rest of us should go and make sure she can't escape in any way." Pierce instructed. Bobbi nodded and her eyes lit up slightly. She gave me a smug smirk before once again taking out her dagger/ knife. By the looks of it the weapon was carved out of a smooth obsidian and could probably cut paper like it was butter. Possibly even bones. She pointed the tip at Peirce then at the door.

"Out" she demanded while giving him a cold glare. He simply nodded once before walking out the room behind the others. Before I could react, I felt a sharp tug as Bobbi dragged me off the bed by the wrist. "Come on, let's get you dressed in some fresh clothes. It's about goddamn time there was some female company around" she said, dragging me to a door that must lead to a closet. She yanked it open and to my surprise it was bigger than I expected. the clothes were split into sections, six shelves with the clothes in their own slot. My guess each demon owned a shelf each. Bobbi dragged me to the furthest one and pulled out a pair of black shoes along with black cargo pants, a white shirt and a hair tie. she threw the clothes at me and left. I quickly put them on and walked back outside the closet. "Now for the hair!" she said excitedly while guiding me over the kitchen where some stools were beside the middle island. She gestured for me to sit down. "Here, eat the fruit white I do your hair, sit as still as possible. I did as she instructed while she combed through my hair and put in some accessories. 

"what did you do to your arm?"  asked bobbi 

"I think i fractured it when I was playing ireland" I replied

"ohhh that's cool"she said

Bobbi helped Natalie up and helped her out of the damoes magic room and sat her down on the couch not soon after Ava came out and when she saw sister she ran over and gave her a hug 

"be careful of my arm Ava"she winced 

"opp sorry, what happened"Ava asked

"well I was playing WD(wing defence) when i jumped to get a intercept when WA (wing attack)smacked the ball anyway she landed on 1 foot but then I fell WA kicked my arm while trying to stop and the foot that was suppose to stop her and it went on my arm"Natalie told 

"this Ne-ta-bal sounds like it hurt quite a lot"the green horned said

"yeah it can but it is a really fun sport so i don't mind getting hurt every once and awhile"natalie said 

               after the government building incident

Ava groaned "So you guys have no place to say"

The orange horned demon said "Yep"

"Well I guess you can stay here for the night"Ava said through a sleepy voice 

"Your our prisoner you have to"Asch said

"Yeah yeah you need to get you manners in check"Natalie said as she whispered to herself

"Your not the only one with powers"

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