Dumber me and Smarter her

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The girls beside me kept talking the whole time while the teacher was talking about some important topics.  I couldn't hear a thing the teacher was saying.
Soon enough the teacher finally looked towards our seat and told us to standup as a punishment. Me too. I was already too pissed off by all this and then I noticed stella turning back to take a look at us. She looked at me in disappointment for a second and then turned forward. She's weird indeed.

For our Drawing classes we have to move to a different classroom. There are only 5 students today.
Including Stella.
I didn't think someone smart like her would ever consider taking drawing classes.
I took a seat on one of the benches at the back and ofcourse Stella took the one nearest to the teacher.

I was busy in my own thoughts when i heard the teacher's voice.
"Girl in the back. What's your name?"
She was sweet indeed.
"It's Jade Foster" i replied in the same friendly tone as her's.
"Jade, come sit in the front."

NO! The only seat available in the front is the one next to Stella.
Alright. I accept my fate. I got up from my seat and sat next to her. She didn't even look up to see me. Maybe a little 'hi' would've been good. Can't say I didn't expected that. Miss Star was already busy in scribbling something in her notebook. Yeah that's her new nickname. Hope I don't say it out loud and make a fool out of myself.

I peeked a little in her notebook. Well i didn't actually peeked it was just visible to me. Her little scribbles were actually good. They looked cute though.
Okay so I have two choices right now. Either I just shut my mouth up and mind my own business or take a chance to compliment her drawings. Yes I'm dumb and I like taking risks so i choose the second one.
I took a deep breath and turned to her direction.

"WOW! That's such a cute dog!"
  I tried to keep it as natural as possible but yes i like create my own troubles. She stopped sketching but didn't lift her head up. Is she angry or maybe happy? I can't read her!

"You're such a Great drawer!" Drawer!? What the heck is that jade! At this point I can prove my dumbness to anyone without even trying. She just continued sketching in her notebook completely ignoring my presence. If I stay quiet now, that'll be so awkward for us in the future. I've already proved my dumbness, let it be a little more.

"Which type of dog is this by the way? Chihuahua? Golden Retriever?"
She finally lifted head up and looked at me without any expressions.
"It's a Panda."
"Right! A Panda. I see. I knew it!"
"Can you just- nevermind."

I just wanna dig a hole and hide myself inside it! Mistaking a Panda as a dog is clearly embarrassing. Ah! How am i supposed to face her now!?

"Oh! I can tell you've been a great artist since childhood. Your drawings are lit!"
That was good right...?

"Not a drawer?"
GOD!! Just come pick me up already!! This is so fucking embarassing!

"And No, I don't like drawing and I'm not a drawer- artist whatever since childhood."
"Oh I see. But I swear these drawings of yours are just Incresdible uh.. Incardible? um..No what was that...?
"YES! Incredible! Super-Duper Amazing! Breathtaking-"

She stood up from her seat and asked the girl sitting next to her to switch seats with her. I can see she's clearly annoyed. Now this is what you call being a failure. I'm not that annoying okay! Or maybe a little bit. One thing's for sure now. Miss Star and I won't be becoming friends in future. More like I won't try to be friendly again, this one time of embarrassment is enough for me.

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