Where Nobody Goes

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Tommy sat alone in the clear field, near the broken house he lived in. Well, not just him. Tommy wasn't alone, he never was, he knew that much. After all, the way Tubbo would yell out, "I'm never leaving you!" In a slightly threatening way was enough to get Tommy to know he wouldn't be alone. The way Ranboo would look at him was enough. The field was surprisingly quiet, though. It was usually filled with laughter, screams, curses that nobody meant being tossed around with no weight to them. Secrets being whispered, sworn to be kept in only a circle of those 3, not like they knew anybody else to tell the secrets to.

On the off chance of intruders, Tubbo would scream something obnoxious, while Tommy laughed and Ranboo made a comment about how vulgar he was. Tommy loved his best friends, he did, but something told him there was somebody else out there that wasn't them who loved him. Somebody he needed to find. Part of him told him he already knew the person, like they were once in his life, but were just a speck of dust to him now. It couldn't have been Wilbur, Tommy knew Wilbur too well, and Wilbur clearly didn't love him anymore. Wilbur clearly didn't love him when he said, "I hate you, Tommy." And walked out on his life. Wilbur clearly didn't love him when he stared at him with those death threatening eyes, he didn't love him when he used to tell Tommy every day that he was reason his father left them.


"I love you, Tommy." Wilbur spoke, his words soft and caring, his gaze meaningful and careful. Tommy loved Wilbur too, he was his brother after all! He was all he had, and Tommy knew Wilbur thought the same about him. They were everything to eachother. Nothing could replace this, for brotherly love is all a person needs. It was all Tommy ever needed, all Tommy would ever need. He was sure of it. "I love you too, Wilby!" Tommy smiled, his braces shined, the sun reflecting on them. It was perfect. Tommy was Wilbur's sunshine, Wilbur would give him anything the second he even said the letter it started with. Tommy would stare at Wilbur like he hung the moon and stars, Wilbur would look at Tommy like he was his own child. Phil, their father came in, smiling ear to ear, "Hey mate!" Phil greeted Wilbur, then simply smiled at Tommy, eyes fond.

Until one day, everything changed. Dad was gone, he left a note saying something about how we couldn't take care of them anymore. And for the first time in Tommy's life, he saw Wilbur stare at him with hatred, Wilbur was quick to blame Tommy for their father's disappearance. It only took so many rude words to be spat at Tommy for him to break.


Tommy stared at the flowers in front of him. Flashbacks weren't fun, they never were, never would be. He remembered something about having somebody else in the family, but he could never remember correctly. He knew their name started with 'T' though. Was that the person? Tommy didn't know. He reminded himself he shouldn't care, because everybody in his family is a wrongun. Tommy never really knew family, though, so how was he supposed to know—

No. He knew family. He had family. His family was Tubbo and Ranboo. He needed nobody else, he never would. Tommy sighed— "TOMMY, COME TELL RANBOO ALLIUMS AREN'T THE BEST FLOWER!" "TOMMY, COME TELL TUBBO HE'S WRONG!- OW!"

Tommy smiled slightly, he had everything he needed. His biological family didn't matter, Tubbo snd Ranboo did. So why did he want to know his real family so badly?..

A/N : hii! can you guys tell im an ao3 writer lmao 😭 anyways i hope u enjoyed this chapter! I highly recommend listening to Home Where by Sir Chloe while reading this. Sorry for this chapter being so short, I try to make my chapters on Wattpad at least 2k words but this one is SO far behind 🙏.. im just burnt out, but thats not really an excuse, so i swear ill make the next chapter like 5k words as a treat!!

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