xxxii. snowboarding scobell

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chapter thirty two — snowboarding scobell

ᝰ 。˚⋆ INFRUNAMIchapter thirty two — snowboarding scobell

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"DON'T FORGET IT." WALKER SAID AS his dad packed the car and he finished getting ready.

"forget what?" tanner asked since he was helping pack the car.

"you know the thing." he said poking his head out the bathroom door.

"what thi- oh." tanner said. "yeah please don't forget it. all of you remember!" walker yelled out through the house.

"how about you remember, it's your thing." leena said coming up the stairs."

"i am trying to look good right now, and considering the fact we're supposed to be leaving in 20 minutes. i cannot focus on that."

"so which one is more important. your looks or the thing." leena said.

walker went silent, knowing leena had gotten the last word once again in a bicker.

"that's what i thought."

he rolled his eyes at his sister's winning words, and continued to fix his hair before it was covered in a snowboarding helmet.

the family had traveled to new york as an idea for ryan, so that they could surprise blake and so blake and walker could see each other.

walker had his own surprise for blake, and don't think it's not a surprise for you too reader, you're equally going to be crying and screaming, and shitting your pants or whatever walker wants you to do...

blake curled her hair, confused on why she was doing it just for it to get frizzy once she goes snowboarding, yet she did it anyway. who knows if the love of her life will be there

her mom came to her room, her brows furrowed at her daughter.

"all this just for you to faceplant into the snow your first run, just like you always do." momma blake said.

"mom, you don't know who's gonna be at the slopes. what if, a fine cute perfect guy sees me and i look like a piece of -" blake made a fart sound with her mouth, putting a thumbs down.

"you look pretty either way, especially with your natural hair." mamma blake said.

"good joke."

"im serious, i really think you should let walker see your natural hair." mamma blake leaned on blake's vanity chair.

"wow mom, you're on a role today." blake said.

"im serious, now hurry up your dad wants to leave within the best 30 minutes."

blake sighed, and continued to do the last few pieces of her hair.

she would never let walker see her natural hair, her natural hair had never been seen by anyone but the crazy fans she had when she was first born.

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