Meeting "them"

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Castor POV :

I was flying threw the forest trying to find Pollux, because she flew off again. I was chasing her but saw something in the water.

Pollux managed to fly away, wanting to explore AGAIN- but what did I just see in the water?

A tail sticking out from the water?
What the heck-

I poked it, and it immediately went into the water.

I flew back because it scared me, then   a head popped out from the water, the mouth still under.

I moved closer quickly, and it moved a little. It seemed to be scared.

I move slowly. And it didn't run away- or.. "swim" away...

I put my hand on its head, and it closed its eyes in a sign of comfort.

Castor : hello...

It moved out of the water revealing its body.

It was very blue and purple, and awfully pretty...

He took my hand in curiousness, and took a good look at me.

Castor : you..  okay?

It stated at me, looking like it couldn't speak.

It done into the water, and grabbed something and came back up.
A bracelet of sorts, and grabbed my hand softly and put it on

Castor : ...thank.. you?

It looked at me again, looking mesmerized by.. my voice??

?? : H..Hello?

I jumped a tiny bit, scared of that.. I didn't know it could speak-

Castor : Hello... whats your name?

He stayed silent.

?? : Lunar...

Castor : thats a pretty name.

I reached out my hand, he flinched. And then slowly grabbed it.

Pollux showed up, looking mesmerized by this mermaid...

She swooped down slowly  not to scare it.

The mermaid looked at her, and was also mesmerized.

Castor : uhm... Lunar, you said your name was, uhm, this is Pollux. My Sister.

Lunar looked shocked like he didn't know what a sister was, dove into the sea. And it looked like he brought another mermaid.

Earth : who are you.

Castor : uh- I'm Castor. And this is my sister, Pollux

Lunar smiled, trying to speak

Lunar : S..s-sister.

He looked at Earth, and smiled

He looked at us, smiling and pointing at Earth

Lunar : Sister :)

Castor : I would take it you're his sister then?

Earth : yes, I am. We also have a few brothers...

Castor stood there. And Pollux looked happy to finally meet someone new.

Lunar tried to get out of the water, sitting on the ground and his tail turning into legs. Earth got out as well. She helped him stand, since he's not good with his boots.

Castor : well uhm... pshhhhhhh.... it was nice meeting you?

Earth : it was a pleasure to meet you two.

Castor : we- uh.. we gotta get going. See you around?

Pollux flew up waiting for Castor.
Lunar wabbled over hugging Castor before he left. Lunar let got and jumped back into the water. So did Earth. They waved goodbye and so did we, and we left for home, and that was a very weird day... I'm not usually so interested in new people but him... he was different.

"A fairy and a mermaid" a Lumini story made by Lumini_for-life_1Where stories live. Discover now