3 "Caring Souls"

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Pollux POV

Castor is at it again! Waiting for the mermaid people to come back...

I really don't understand. He is never this interested in people like this... ah well maybe I'm just paranoid... but he did seem... happier when he met up with them.

Well, I'm not going to stop him...

Lunar POV

It's been a while since I got to see those humans with wings. I wonder if I just go up to the surface I can find them. I guess I'll try.

Castor POV

I was waiting to see the mermaid, and as I had hoped, Today he was on surface. I immediately flew over the bush to the ground and met up with him.

Lunar : Hi!

Castor : hello Lunar.

Lunar swam to the shore, getting out of the water.

Lunar : I got a new necklace!

Castor : ?

Lunar : it turned me into a devils hole fish :3

Castor was confused, but just went along with it.

They hung out for a while, and Castor decided to show Lunar more of Earths land.

Lunar : what is this

Castor : that's a bird-

Lunar : what is that

Castor : a flower?

Castor : man you guys really don't come up here often.

Lunar : we don't come up here. Not since our mother died.

Castor : ohhh...

Lunar : it doesn't bother me anymore. I'm used to it.

Castor : if you don't mind me asking... who was your mother?

Lunar : Velvera Celestial.

Castor : Isn't the Celestial family the Family that is Royalty under the sea?

Lunar stared at Castor

Lunar : how did you... know that?

Castor : celestial... your crown... your sisters crown.. the amount of brothers...

Lunar : ...Fair enough

Castor : yeah it's not rocket science..

Lunar : switch of topic what is that-

Castor : a bee-

Lunar : and that-

Castor : a butterfly.

Polux : hi


Castor : Hi Pollux

Pollux : Oh you're Back!

Lunar : yeah- hi-

Pollux : showing him around?

Castor : yeah. Apparently he's part of-

Lunar immediately covered Castors mouth

Lunar : HUDSHTSHTSHTSHTAHT Castor... you're going to get me in toubles...

Castor : uhm... a part of a book club under the sea!

Pollux : ooooo cool!!

Castor : want to go to the park?

Lunar : ... what is a park?

Castor : a playground pretty much.

Lunar : ooooo

Pollux : wait- so you have playgrounds but you don't have parks...

Lunar : yeah-

Pollux : we have so much to teach you...

Lunar : okay-

Castor : welp- here we go

Castor picked up Lunar and carried him to the park.

Lunar POV

I've never seen a park before... thes human-like creatures are really kind... what caring souls...

(I lost motivation- I just made a chapter to my other book with over 2000 words in it-)

"A fairy and a mermaid" a Lumini story made by Lumini_for-life_1Where stories live. Discover now