chapter 2 : beautiful Pearls

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Lunar and Earth were sitting at home, while moon and sun were figuring things out with the others.

Lunar : well.. I'm kind of bored so I am going to go outside.

Earth : allright! Be safe!

Lunar : I Will!

Lunar swam away to explore the sea, because he loves doing so. And he hadn't in the past few weeks.

Lunar : hmm.. I wonder whats new in the clam shop?

He entered, looking around for LiLi, the owner of the clam.

(The clam is s jewelry store)

LiLi : AH there you are!

Lunar turned around to see LiLi standing in the doorway.

She walked over to Lunar, smiling with a devilish grin.

LiLi : I was wondering where you were! Hadn't seen you in ages, my dear!

Lunar chuckled. He missed LiLi. Her fun personality, her smile always made his day, because he knew he was the one to make the day brighter, or so his sister says.

LiLi : your brother Moon dropped off something for you. I was going to give it to you, but you weren't here.

LiLi waved her arm in a motion telling Lunar to follow her, in which he respectfully did.

She opened her door to grab a box.

She gave Lunar
The box as she dug threw her drawer, looking for the key to the box.
She pulled out a shiny Blue key, just 5he right tone of baby blue. Same as the lock on the box.

She waved her hand in a motion again telling Lunar to follow, and so he did.

She brought him to the back of the building, moving the key around in her hands to put it in the right position to unlock the box.

As she unlocked it, she smiled, knowing Lunar was going to LOVE it.

She opened up the box, to  reveal a shiny pearl crown, with a star on it as its main gem. Surrounding it were diamond shaped gems on the side, and the back had a droplet pearl.

Lunar looked mesmerized, glancing at the crown with amazement in his eyes. LiLi slowly picked up the crown, slowly putting it on his head, and as she did, Lunar's Cheeks glowed with Seashell shapes on his cheeks.  He poked them, confused, and he turned into a A devils Hole Pupfish. But his tail was more ruffled then a regular one. Kind of Like a really ruffled betta fish.

(His og Creature is a mandarinfish)

He swam around in a circle, amazed but also questioning,


He thanked LiLi again again and again  before heading home.


Pollux POV

Castor has been more distant lately, he's been watching the ocean for some time now, maybe he's waiting for that mermaid to appear again? I mean its been a while since we've seen them... but why is he so interested?

Castor POV

I was watching the ocean, waiting for them to return. I do not understand why I want to see them so badly. I mean 'Earth' was nice... But Lunar... he was interesting in a different way of what I can explain. It's like none other of what I've ever experienced before... like I just.. I just want to see him so much.. but I cannot put my finer around it... hm... maybe I should ask Pollux about it.

Scorpio : hey Pollux?

Pollux : yeah?

Scorpius : whats up with Castor?

Pollux : I don't know but.. we met some new people the other day and well... they were half fish...

Aries : then they would be Mermaids.

Pollux POV

So THAT'S what they are called... hmm... Mer... Mermaids... interesting.

Sagittarius : we aren't mad or anything, but he's been more distant lately, he's falling behind on his job...

Pollux : I'll have a private conversation tomorrow with him.. basically like a check-up

Sagittarius : please do... I cannot tell if Castor is angry or not...

Pollux : even if he is, it wouldn't be at you... you've done nothing wrong.

Sagittarius enjoyed Pollux. She was nice and playful. But always serious when she needed to be. Sagittarius is always glad to have Gemini as their sibling.


"A fairy and a mermaid" a Lumini story made by Lumini_for-life_1Where stories live. Discover now