whisper of confusion

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Tears streamed down my cheeks, leaving me in a vulnerable state. I clenched my fists, gripping the fabric of my t-shirt around my belly.

"How is this even possible?" I asked myself in the solitude of the bathroom, fully aware that my voice would echo back at me. I grasped onto the towel rack for support, attempting to rise, only to collapse to my knees with a loud thud and a whimper, just as Jimin reentered the bathroom.

"Tsk," Jimin rolled his eyes in annoyance and knelt down beside me.

"What are you doing?" I managed to murmur, my voice barely audible.

"Baking a cake! Want some?" He mocked me, flashing a smile.

"Fool," he muttered under his breath.

"Huh?" I inquired.

"Never mind, give me your hand," Jimin demanded, extending his own towards me. I complied, only to find myself suddenly enveloped in his arms, facing our reflection in the mirror. His gaze penetrated deep, seemingly stripping away layers until he reached my very soul, unsettling me to my core.

"No, you can't do this," I whispered to myself, turning my face away from the mirror as he slipped out of the confined bathroom space.

He gently placed me on the bed, kneeling on the floor beside me. His hands rested on my knees, his eyes again delving into mine, though I averted my gaze.

"Tsk. Come'on, look at me," he insisted, turning my face with a gentle touch of his fingers.

"Y/n," he began, but I pulled away abruptly, rising from the bed, only to be drawn back and hovered over by the very man who had violated me without consent.

"Y/n, listen to me," he demanded, as I struggled against his grasp.

"Jimin, let me go!" I pleaded, attempting to push him away.

"Y/N!" he exclaimed, pinning my arms above my head.

Tears welled up in my eyes, tracing down my cheeks. He wiped them away, and seized my face, drawing it close to his, our foreheads touching.

I sensed his heartbeat racing, an unfamiliar intensity. I had never experienced this before. Despite his past treatment-cornering me, speaking with cruelty, degrading me-he now exhibited a vulnerability that confused me. His eyes betrayed a deep remorse, his body reacting to my resistance, his voice carrying an unmistakable sense of loss.

"Why is he behaving this way? Why feign kindness? Why persist in worsening the situation?" These questions echoed within me.

"Y/n, please listen. I'll explain," Jimin persisted, but I no longer cared to hear.

"Jimin, plea-" I began, but he silenced me with a kiss, tears now streaming down his own cheeks. I struggled against him, biting his lip, yet instead of retreating, he leaned in further, deepening the embrace.

"Jimin," I gasped between breaths, only to be gently released. He rested his forehead against mine, listening to his own sobs.

I opened my eyes to find him still embracing me, his face buried in my neck. I tentatively wrapped my fingers around his face, searching for honesty in his gaze.

"Jimin, are you awake?" I asked softly, observing his peaceful sleep. My breath caught as I adjusted our positions, aware of my pregnancy.

"You are my baby," he mumbled in his sleep, pulling me closer to his chest.

"Jimin, let go," I urged, pushing against him, but his solid frame resisted.

Finally accepting my fate, I settled into the embrace and drifted off.

The next morning, I awoke at my customary hour, my gaze shifting aside only to gasp upon discovering Jimin peacefully asleep beside me. Time seemed suspended as I stared blankly at his countenance. However, beneath the surface, the scars he inflicted still smarted and crawled beneath my skin each time his presence loomed.

I sighed heavily, throwing off the duvet from my body, feeling a sudden detachment. I sensed a subtle movement from Jimin. Glancing back at him, I found him stirring, his eyes still closed, seeking my presence. Before I could slip away, he reacted with lightning speed, reflexively pulling me back.

"Jim-" I gasped, still reeling from the shock as he enveloped me in a hug.

"Where are you going?" he inquired.

At the sound of his deep, melodious morning voice, my heart leapt out of its cage, descending straight into the pit of my stomach.

Observing my silence, he leaned back. "Babe? Do you want a morning kiss?"

"No! No! No! This must be a dream!" I conversed with myself, but before I could react, he leaned in, and pressed his lips against mine.
Again, my heart plummeted with heightened intensity.

"Good?" he murmured after pulling away briefly.

"Wait, let me give you one more," he remarked, latching onto my lips once again, treating me as though I were the most precious thing.
I quickly slipped out of Jimin's grasp, my heart pounding erratically as I darted into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. Leaning against the cool tiles, I felt the weight of gravity pulling at my resolve, the memories of last night's encounter flooding my mind like a relentless tide.

The sensation of his lips on mine lingered, his raspy voice echoing in my ears, and the unspoken tension between us hung heavy in the air. I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself, before turning on the shower. The cold water cascaded down my face, momentarily distracting me from the whirlwind of emotions.

As I stood under the running water, my thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a startling realization-my pregnancy. I hesitantly rubbed my belly, uncertainty gnawing at me.

"Am I really pregnant?" I murmured to myself, the weight of this revelation sinking in.

*Knock, knock.*

"Babe? Do you want something?" Jimin's voice called from outside the bathroom.

"Ew! WTF? Is he putting me into a trap or something? This is a trap, Y/N, you need to be more careful!" I muttered under my breath, turning off the shower abruptly.

"Babe?" Jimin's voice persisted.

"Coming!" I called out, trying to mask the unease in my voice.

Opening the bathroom door, I found Jimin hovering with that smirk I despised, his presence unsettling.

"You're back?" he asked, stepping closer as I instinctively retreated.

"Jimin, stop!" I warned, my voice tinged with frustration as he encircled me with his arms.

"You smell good though," he remarked, his breath warm against my skin as he leaned in to nuzzle my neck.

"Uh, leave me," I insisted, pushing him away and swiftly escaping from the bathroom once more.

But then, Jimin's voice, laced with a honeyed charm, interrupted my inner turmoil once again.

"Well , you drop your towel babe !" He announced before shutting the door leaving me in with a flushed face from being embarrassed in front of him .


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