Chapter 2: Entrance Exams

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Over the year, things had changed for Izuku. He changed his name to Acheron and even his body changed to that of a girl.

SHE was more calm in every situation. Usually she would stutter and be scared when talking to others back when she was "Izuku". Now she doesn't get scared. She doesn't stutter.

She was a different person than she was in the past.

The Yagi Family was devastated to hear that their "son" had disappeared. Izumi had gone back to get "Izuku" only to find her gone.

Heroes searched, Aizawa searched for days and nights. Still found nothing, not knowing what happened to "Izuku". They hoped she was alive. They hoped she would come back...but that hope Soon died as a year went by..

It was now the day of the Entrance Exam for UA. A girl with dark purple hair was standing in the crowd, ready to take this test. Acheron really stood out from her attire and along with that giant katana sheathed on her hip. She put her hand on the hilt of her sheathed katana.

 She put her hand on the hilt of her sheathed katana

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Acheron(Izuku): 'Hm..I made it to the Entrance Exams. Without the pestering of my past family. It was good that I changed my name to Acheron.'

She sighed softly. While closing her eyes when doing so. She opened them and continued to look forward.

Acheron: 'No matter what, I will pass this exam with flying colors.'

Acheron felt someone tap her shoulder. She turned around and saw It was a student with glasses.

Iida: "The weapon you brought shouldn't be here! It is a danger to the students here. You may hurt someone with that! I advise you to turn it in to the teachers!"

Acheron let out a sigh.

Acheron: "My katana...I will not give it up to the teachers. It's rather special to me. If you have a problem with that. Then that's on you."

Iida: "Then I'll take it from you-"

Acheron: "Try that and I guarantee you that your head will be rolling on this ground in a split second."

As thy can see.. she's attached to that Katana.

Iida felt like something was wrong with this girl. She gave some sort of vibe that made the air around her feel weird...

Acheron: "Sorry. Didn't mean to threaten you. The Katana is something that must stay in my possession at all cost. Anyone that would try to take it..will face severe consequences."

Acheron: " name is Acheron. You must be...?"

Iida: "Tenya Iida. I'm sorry for trying to take your weapon. Hopefully this won't cause bad blood between us?"

Acheron hummed.

Acheron: "There's no bad blood between us. I hope you make it into UA. To me, I think you'd make a great hero."

Izuku/Acheron: Self-Annihilator (BNHA Harem)Where stories live. Discover now