Chapter 3.5: The Aftermath Of The Reveal

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The principal’s office was silent after hearing what just came out of Acheron’s mouth. She didn’t look nervous at all and completely unbothered that she just revealed that she was Izuku in the past. Many mouths were open in shock and surprise.

Aizawa: “Your..”

Midnight: “Izuku..?”

Acheron shook her head.

Acheron: “I am no longer Izuku Midoriya. I do not go by that name. Acheron or the other name is more suitable for me.”

Acheron noticed the tension and silence in the air. She rolled her eyes.

Acheron: “If your going to judge me because I became a girl then–”

Aizawa had hugged Acheron so damn quickly. The hug was tight and it caught Acheron completely off guard. So off guard  that her eyes widened a bit.

Acheron: “Mr..Aizawa..?”

Aizawa: “Uncle Aizawa. Just let me hug you a little longer.”

Midnight aww’d at the sight of Aizawa giving affection. It was a rare sight to see. Acheron's eyes relaxed and she calmly hugged him back.

Soon the hug was finished and Aizawa pulled away from it. He had a small smile on his face. With that he was happy that his Niece  was back to him. Back when Acheron was Izuku — He would always bring the kid to get Katsudon.

Midnight: “Shota doesn’t show that type of affection. If he does, then it's completely rare.”

Aizawa: “Where are you living? Do you have a stable home..?”

Acheron nodded.

Acheron: “Thanks to…methods I was able to get a room in someone’s house.”

Midnight: “How did you manage to bunk into someone’s house.”

Acheron stayed  silent while she remembered what she did to be able to stay with the stranger.

[Small Flashback]

The sound of moaning filled a bedroom — the master bedroom. Two girls were in it having the time of their lives. The girl laying on her back was gripping the sheets tightly as her back arched.

???: ‘R-Right there..!~’

Between her legs was Acheron, with her lips and tongue doing its work on the girl’s folds.

Acheron pulled back and licked her lips. She looked at the woman, full of lust and desire.

Acheron: “Are you sure you want to go through with this? Your brother might get mad.”

Acheron asked while having an amused expression. She could see that the woman was…particularly eager to do this.

When the woman looked at Acheron — Acheron noticed that Love and Care swam in the woman’s eyes.


Acheron didn’t think that the woman would get attached or fall for her.  Seems that was an error on her part.

???: “Of course I do..You're the only one who has…uhm..touched me. I think we are too far in to back out right?”

Acheron closed her eyes and sighed. She reopened them

Acheron: “You’re right. We made it this far — might as well continue. Though I must warn you..I can get somewhat rough when it comes to this. So please — tell me if I’m hurting you, okay, Robin?”

Robin nodded and smiled.

Robin: “I will tell you if you’re hurting me. You have my word. Now come on, you cutie. Let our night have…passion~”

 Let our night have…passion~”

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(Aha. Don't hate me, lol-)

Acheron nodded,

Acheron: “As you wish..”

[Flashback End]

Acheron: “Let’s just say.. Some things happened and that allowed me to stay with them for a while.”

Midnight: “....I’ll ask for more details later cause I know your hiding something.”

Acheron chuckled.

Acheron: “That’s if I’m willing to share them with you. For now, I must get back. Their…probably worried about me. Well — One person in particular.”

Nezu: “Well alright. You are free to go.. Just, give me the information as to where you live so I can send the letter so that you would know if you passed or failed.”

Acheron: “Of course.”

Aizawa: “Well..I’ll see you if you pass. I’ll try to get Nezu to let you in my class.”

Acheron: “I would love that.”

Izuku/Acheron: Self-Annihilator (BNHA Harem)Where stories live. Discover now