The next week
HarshAli were sharing one bed only, as they woke up, they danced on music anthem of bb
Harshad crankily woke up as he was rubbing his eyes, while Pranali was enjoying the anthem as she was singing it,Today was the day of captaincy task, the day the true face of ppl comes,
Harshad already knew that KS was definitely going to do something.It was a task where the ladies had to put on some load while Pranali was on her periods... due to what she couldn't properly do it, she, Karishma, Harshad and Jay were in the same team and they couldn't win the task, Pranali felt guilty while Harshad consoled Pranali as he wrapped Pranali in a hug
"Some people can never change! wearing shorts and their over-less weight to attract boys, look at me Jai sir. I'm perfectly healthy and not skinny"
Karishma said with a smirk side-eyeing Pranali, while her eyes were filled with tears, there was one more such instance, but Pranali ignored it thinking that Karishma wouldn't have done all this but at that particular moment, that lady literally body shamed Pranali on the national television which was more than any insult Pranali could've ever taken. Karishma had always been a jealous lady, but Pranali never knew that Karishma would go to this level.
Would have it been JS then Harshad knew that there was no problem as Pranali doesn't give a s*** to him what KS, she's going to have a heartbreak.... Girl literally body-shamed her on national television which was really unacceptable! That was literally the first task for God's sake!
The same thing happened which Harshad thought, Pranali was heartbroken after the captaincy task, girl was having a heavy flow of periods and then the drama she'd to bear on the top of that comment, she pressed her ears as tears flowed out of the eyes when Harshad wraps Pranali in a hug giving her a kiss on her hairs "Pranu!" Harshad said as Pranali coaxed her, her soft sobs were easily heard.
That saying of Karishma didn't go unheard by anyone, "How can you really body shame Pranali? And how can you call her skinny?" Aditi said as she comes towards Karishma
"I wasn't saying to Pranali! In fact, I didn't say anything!" Karishma said
"Don't lie Ms. Sawant! You literally body shamed Pranali di! and we all heard that!" Nischay said angrily
"First of all, I didn't I was talking about the normal body type, I mean usu-" Karishma was speaking when Ashish came
"You were not actually! Would have you been telling a fact then you won't tell it right now!" Ashish said
"And the hell! Why're you guys interrupting in between? Whatever the matter is, it'll be seen by me, and Pranali! I know she'll understand me!"
"And why shouldn't we interrupt in between? Today you've told all this to Pranali, tomorrow if someone else will come, you'll utter the same nonsense to someone else! It was a s*** game for God's sake!" Parth said
"For me, it wasn't, I wanted to be the captain!" Karishma said
"And you think, you'll become the captain after this task? Wow great imagination! But this is really unacceptable! And today is weekend ka vaar too! Let's see how Salman Sir will react to this deed of yours!" Nischay said as he glared at Karishma and then the entire clan except for Karishma and Jay went to HarshAli's room.
Harshad was sitting as he coaxed Pranali while Pranali was scrunching his shirt, it hurts her more than anything when she'd to hear herself as 'skinny'