I'll see you around

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I rushed downstairs for dinner and sat down at the chair waiting for dad to join us when mom didn't wait for dad and started serving dinner for us.

"Dad isn't going to join us?" I asked mom and she replied that "Dad will be late today, he has a company dinner" I nodded and started eating.

After finishing my food I quickly went to my room and started the game and he wasn't online this time so I went back to Instagram to check his messages


Martis73: Hey Darlene

What are you up to?

Are you studying?

You: heyyy! Wanna play?


I waited a few minutes for his reply but there weren't any so I put my alarm on just in case and started scrolling through pinterest and fell asleep a few minutes later.

I woke up around 6AM and started my day like any other and completely forgot to check my Instagram. I went to school around 7AM, it was earlier than the other days. On my way to school I kept having the thought that I was forgetting something but paying it no mind I entered into a convenience store to buy some utensils for school.

I went to the stationary section, the pencils were in the bottom shelf so I bent down to choose a cute pencil, there were so many of them I couldn't decide which to take. I sat down on the floor holding all the pencils in my hand when I felt someone's presence behind me, I turned around to see- it was Zion.

I immediately remembered that I texted him yesterday and forgot to check the messages again today. I tried to stand up when he said "were you waiting for me yesterday?"

"No..." I cleared my throat and said "I-I waited for a bit then went to bed early" I am getting so nervous I don't know what to say next

"Oh, glad to hear that. Actually my laptop was taken away by my mother that's why I was offline. I apologise for that." And he smiled at me, he was holding a packet of biscuits, guess he didn't have breakfast.

"Do you want some?" he extended the packet of biscuits towards me, it's so embarrassing, guess he saw me staring at his biscuits

"N-No, I am not hungry" I tucked my hair behind my ears and about to get up when he said "Are you choosing pencils?" and leaned towards the bottom shelf.

His hair was as fluffy as ever but it was the first time I smelled his shampoo, it smelled like tulips, does he like this scent? And he also wore a floral scented perfume, it smells so nice-

"I like this one" he picked a pencil with black and blue flowers and another with cherry blossoms

"Would you like to buy this one?" he showed me the one with black and orange flowers and I nodded in return and went to the counter, he also followed me because he decided to buy a pencil for himself I guess.

In the counter I insisted that I wanted to pay for his pencil as well because he chose a pencil for me.

I ended up paying for our pencils and checked the time and it was already 7:15 so we decided to head to school together.

After we brought the pencils Zion made his way out eating the biscuits and I followed him. He looked like Miyamura Izumi from behind, it was mesmerizing. I can't believe I'm walking to school with Zion.

"Do you like cherry blossoms?" I tried to make small talk with him and try not to blush

"Yes, a lot actually. Do you like them?" he asked looking at me

"I-I also like them. Do you go to the cherry blossom festival?" I asked hoping that he says yes, because if he does go to the festival then I might also get the chance to accidently bump into him in the festival.

"I do. All my friends are going to the festival together this time actually, do you want to join them?" he asked and put another biscuit in his mouth

"Yeah, sure. I'll ask my friends about it" I glanced at him once, he even looks good chewing biscuits.

W-wait, what am I even thinking, it's so cringe. Is it because of my inner fangirl that I am having such weird thoughts about someone eating biscuits?

"We're here, do you have practice today?" Zion interrupted my thoughts

"Yeah, I gotta go now" I said feeling sad that now I have to leave his side

"Okay, I'll see you around then" Zion waved at me and continued walking towards his practice room. I went to our practice room as well and started warming up.

"I can't believe I walked to school with Zion and talked to him. Is it a dream?" I murmured to myself

"What dream?" Ginny asked, she was standing right beside me and I didn't even notice her

"Oh, it's nothing" I scratched my head and smiled at her and asked if she wanted to practice together and she agreed so we entered the court and started practicing but every now and then I remember the walk with Zion and end up giggling between practicing.

Coach was on leave today as well so we decided to practice on our own. After practicing for a while I started stretching to go to class around 8:45. Rylee skipped practiced today I don't know why.

I started walking towards my class passing through Zion's class when Naomi ran past me shouting "Zion isn't back yet, you're a bit early babe" which everyone in the corridor heard so I ran after her as well to save myself from the embarrassment.

I ran as fast as I could even though I was exhausted from the practice and smacked her head real hard and asked why she said that out there in the hallway and all she did was give me a moronic smile which made me furious now and I shouted "Do you want me to tell Marcus what you think of him?"

"Hey... why are you mad... I was just teasing you" she tried to explain herself and her smile faded

"Yeah, and everyone in the hallway heard that you know?" I replied

"I'm sorry..." she apologised making that puppy face which I can't refuse so I let her go this time and went to my classroom.

Namid was already in her seat reading a book which didn't seem like one of our textbooks so I put my bag down on my seat and said hi to her

"What are you reading" I asked her curiously

She nervously put her hair behind her ears nervously as if she was talking to someone she had a crush on and said in a low voice "It's a light novel about a couple who ends up dying for their partner, do you wanna read it?" she was talking so slowly, isn't she just adorable??

"Woah, so it's a sad ending? I'll give it a try" I said smiling at her and she replied back as "Though it's really sad but not particularly a sad ending, you should read it" she smiled as well

Classes started shortly and it was getting so boring, I even forgot my watch at the practice room so I couldn't check time so I just sat there looking at the clouds outside and daydreaming when Namid from the side patted my shoulder. I looked at her and she told me that the lunch break started so I put my books inside my bag and stood up to go when I noticed she was still sitting in her seat so I assumed she doesn't have a friend to eat with and asked if she wanted to eat with us, and she agreed.

I can't wait to tell the girls what happened in the morning. I'm so excited to see their reactions. I was trying to hide my feelings from them these days but it's time to come clean and tell them the truth, though they already know it. I also have Namid joining me today, it'll be fun.


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