Part 5

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Later in the bus
So after some time Rose started to wonder who would sleep with who and were they would be sleeping and so on. So she closet her phone and she put in in one of her pockets and she unbuckled her seatbelt, it was then her enemy saw that she were going.
"We're you going?"
He said
"Not that it is envy of you business, but I am going to ask who I will be sharing a sleep place with"
She said
"Ask who I am sleeping withe then"
He said
Rose said as she stood up and walked to the front of the buss to ask.
"Hey who will I share a sleeping place with, and how will everting look and so on?"
The girl asked her teacher.
"Oh yes I almost forgot about that, here take this BROSHYR and wand all of you will be sleeping withe the person you sit besides at the bus"
Eh teacher said as she gave Rose a BROSYR with information and pickers.
"Oh no Please Please no miss not him Please I beg of you"
Rose said
"No buts live with it"
Teacher said. Then rose stomped over to her sit and sat down with a shin.
"What? Who you charging slepping place with?"
Ace asked
"Shut up not another word"
Rose said
"Students I forgot to say before, you will be sleeping with the person your sitting next to"
The teacher said to her students.
"Oh, so that's why"
Ace said. Then Rose started to pick up her pods and she put them on and she played her music and she placed the apper she got from the teacher on her head and she deeded to just rest for some time.

After some time had passed the bus driver spoke to the teacher and he said that they could pull over if they wanted to, so they did.
"Class we can have a leg stretcher for 15 minutes"
The teacher said, and then ten students started to get up, but Rose didn't even hear the teacher so she stayed in her sitat until Ace looked at her and started to talk to ehr with no success. So he lifted the paper of her face and that got her atencehn.
"What ace, your getting on my never"
She said, sounding irritated.
"To bad princess, the bus stopped we got a brake, now will you move over"
He said to her
Rose said while she got up and walked out of the bus and Ace followed right behind her. Ros etehn saw her friends standing a a bit away, so she decided to walk over to them.

Atfurs note
450 words not including
Thanks for reading love 💕

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