Chapter one

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The musty wood scent was as thick in the air as my unease was, filling my nostrils and making me feel more secluded than ever. My hands shakily gripped the steering wheel, fatigue starting to take its toll on me. Being trapped in my crappy beat up car for 5 hours was starting to turn my brain to mush. And It didn't make my eyelids any less heavy when I looked around the gravel path, trying to find a sight to focus on, I was surrounded by trees all around.

Old and eerie music spills from the radio quietly, cut off every now and then by static. It only makes my palms grow slicker, tightening around the familiar weight of the wheel. Focusing on the road has been enough of a distraction, lit only by my mere headlights, that I haven't bothered to turn it off. There's no good radio stations around here, and besides, if I were to drive in silence I'd have to hear all the horror story like possibilities my mind is making up. I don't want to think about that at all right now, driving in the middle of the woods at night with no cell phone connection is too close to a perfect horror setting for my liking. Sighing, I close my eyes for a second, cursing myself for the countless horror movies I've watched.

When I meet up with my friends I'm going to be so mad. They knew the campsite they chose didn't have a signal near it, so they left me with a good old fashioned map, its thin paper splayed out on my lap. But when its this dark, i have no idea if ive missed my turn or what not. I've given up on straining my eyes trying to read the map, they said follow a gravel path and.. I am on a gravel path, after all.

A wooden fence in the distance catches my eye, making me slam the breaks, not that I was going fast in the first place anyway. It stands right in front of the path I'm supposed to be on, and I blink a few times, as if this is some prank and someone will remove it if I don't start laughing. It stares me dead in the eye, definitely not moving, and my head kicks back, groaning. My hand grips the map, shoving it up in front of my face and crinkling it in the process. Yup, I'm supposed to be going straight. It's like the map starts laughing at me, too. A loud sigh echoes in my car, joining the music. The only other way is to the right, where the gravel path forks off into a turn. Shifting in my seat I turn the steering wheel, heading down that path.

I'm probably the most present in the moment I've ever been, for once not lost in my thoughts. It's likely the fear begging to swarm in my lower stomach, slowly creeping up the rest of my body. Or maybe it's the feeling of being watched right now...oh, fuck. What the fuck is that?! I think I say it out loud, but my body's frozen in terror and my mouth is still clamped shut, though it opens on a silent scream when the thing starts turning towards me.

In the middle of the road is a huge pig, with it's legs mutilated, cut off and replaced with something disgusting, long and bloody, like a backwards knee. I can feel the blood dropping from my head, my entire body covered in sweat. The creature is now fully facing towards me and it looks more like an experiment than an animal. My breath leaves me, my body in full panic mode. I'm going to die. I'm going to—

A light bang on my window steals my attention, whipping my head to the side.
A figure is there, in the shape of a man. It's holding a knife and—

The sound of shattering glass rings in my ears as my vision go dark.

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