chapter 1

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Joseph finally returned back to his manor after a long meeting with a ruler of another nation that just happens to be his dear sister Marry. She had came by earlier that day to drop off her son  Robbie at his manor and quickly left with Joseph in her carriage.

After the meeting she dropped off Joseph at his manor and left with her son.

Joseph was extremely tiered and board the entire day, and the only thing on his mind was his cute husband.

When he entered his chambers he expected to be greeted by his husband, but there was no sign of him.

So he called out "Aesop! Where are you?", after he heard no replay he looked around the room expecting to see him hiding somewhere .

He than heard a thud behind him. When he turned around he saw his husband on the floor behind him.

"Ah-" said his husband and looked up to see joseph "Babe!"he said.

Joseph bent down and picked Aesop up. "Ah- Joseph what are you doing?".

Joseph entered their room and locked the door behind them. He neared the bed and then drooped Aesop onto it. Aesop turned to look up at him a little frightened .

Joseph then climbed onto the bed and caged Aesop between their bed and his body.

He than started to kiss and undress Aesop .  "Mnh- Joseph- no-!" Aesop said in between kisses. Joseph stopped and looked at him with a worried face. "Are you alright Mon-cheri?"he questioned?.

"Mhmm, I'm just not in the mood today.""Could we m-maybe just cuddle ...?".Joseph sighed and smiled and than said "Sure Mon-cheri ♡".He than laid down next to Aesop and pulled him onto his chest. Making Aesop giggle .

"So how was your day ?" Aesop questioned. "It was alright, but I couldn't stop thinking about you the entire time, what about you? how was your day?" Joseph asked.

"It was fine." Aesop answered.

"Hm? Just 'fine' nothing interesting happened ?" Joseph insisted, still curious about what Aesop did today.

"U-hm....oh- well.. I alsoo.... a..." Aesop started. Joseph just hummed and waited for Aesop to finish talking. "Well I the garden! r-resting! and uhm..." Aesop lied. "And?" Joseph asked. He was really annoyed by the fact that Aesop was lying to him but tried to keep calm.  After a while Aesop still kept quiet so Joseph flipped them over so he was pinning him to the bed. "B-babe...?-" Aesop started but was cut off by Joseph "Mon Cheri , I'm not in the mood to be patient right now and your lying isn't helping . So answer my question truthfully  if you don't wish to spend the night in the cellar." Joseph snapped.

Aesop was trembling a bit, but he still refused to talk. Joseph got up and  called for a guard to take Aesop to the cellar." I hope a night in the cellar will teach you not to lie to me."

When they were out of Joseph's sight the guard tightened his grip on Aesop's arm and swore something under his breath.

Once they were in the cellar the guard threw Aesop in to one of the cells and then after locking him inside the guard and a few other guards that were there to keep the prisoners in check  started mocking him.

Aesop was used to this treatment so he didn't bother too much since he also knew the staff of the palace didn't like him at all. He also knew that they thought that someone of such low status didn't deserve to be Josephs spouse. 

They would usually  torment him like this when Joseph wasn't around. And sometimes leave cuts and bruises on his body like today.

While Joseph was at the meeting with his sister today some guards thought  it would be funny to use their swords on Aesop's body, make him blead and threaten him.

He was glad that Robbie didn't see them do anything since he knew he would tell everything to his mother who would surly tell Joseph and that would be really bad.

And the reason he didn't want Joseph to find out because he knew he would do something reckless like exectuting everyone who hurt him, but because he refused to tell the truth he was now stuck here. 'This is so stupid!' he taught 'All I wanted to do was cuddle with my husband but now I'm stuck here!'.


I hope you guys liked this chapter !

and sorry for the wait I accidentally logged out of my account  and I couldn't remember my password so I had to wait until I was back home to use my computer 😅

I will also probably update  slowly because i decided to rewrite the entire srory since i didn't like how the plot went~

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