"why are you stalking me?"

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Alastor walks downstairs and has a surpize seeing Vox there

"Why are you here?"-Alastor

"Because I am."-Vox

Alastor goes to make tea

"That's not a good excuse."-Alastor

"Im just here it's a public place."-Vox

"Fair enough"-Alastor

"I came to see you,you where gone for 7 years"-Vox

"And that's none of your business."-Alastor

"Never said I wanted to know why you where gone for 7 years."-Vox

"What are you guys talking about? "-Charlie

"Nothing he's harrasing me "-Vox

"Im not harrasing you, dramatic"-Alastor

"I'll leave you two to sort this out."

Alastor Is very confused and annoyed


"Am not!"-Vox

"Yes you are and I'm not arguing with you because it's dumb"-Alastor

"Pfft- fine then"-Vox

"Glad were on the same padge,toddler ."-Alastor

"Im not a toddler and I don't act like one!"-Vox

Vox is glitching cus he's mad

"Lost your temper have you, baby? "-Alastor

"Ugh shut up."-Vox

"Okay gladly your voice is annoying anyway."-Alastor

"So is your's ."-Vox

Vox teleports away

"Ha glad he's gone I'm lonely now though.."-Alastor

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