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Phantom's POV:

I left the cop behind and strolled around the place where I stored everything I used to assist people or to call home. "They're so blind, it's a real shame that we're the only ones who know the truth," I muttered to myself, reflecting on the ignorance of the masses. Suddenly, I heard a small bark. "Hey, Shadow," I greeted warmly, removing the hood of my hoodie and the mask to reveal my face to my only real friend. They say a dog is a man's best friend, and Shadow is certainly mine.

I watched as he padded over, his tail wagging eagerly. "How was your day, Shadow? Were there any cats?" I inquired, receiving a soft growl in response. "No cats?" I asked again, and he barked, confirming my suspicion. "I see, no cats," I chuckled, realizing he was protective even over imaginary threats. I fed him his food and grabbed a bite of some leftover rice from the fridge.

"I got to mess with your favorite cop today," I confessed, and Shadow emitted another growl, this one slightly more pronounced. "Yep, he wasn't happy about it, but I don't care. He should know that the government is bad," I continued, understanding Shadow's disdain for authority. He growled a little more, and I comforted him, "I know the government is bad, bud. I know that you hate the government just as much as I do." I said as I heard his thoughts, 'They will pay for what they did to us!'

As I teleported to my room to change into something comfortable, I allowed myself to relax, letting my wonderful lab cuddle with me. "So, other than messing with our favorite cop, I did help some people," I confessed to Shadow, thinking of the young kids without parents and the homeless people whom I had assisted. The government had become increasingly cruel over the years. The world wasn't free anymore; no one had rights, freedom, or love. Anyone who didn't conform to their standards was deemed a threat and had to be taken away.

As I let my thoughts drift, I slowly drifted off to sleep, pondering the people I had helped and contemplating my past. I dreamed of changing the future, of a world where justice prevailed, and freedom reigned once more.

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