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---At night---

Fatima [Y/N] was praying her ishar prayer.After her prayer, she looked at the window.She was staring continuously.After some times, she felt something and faint on the Jay-Namaz

---At 5:00 am---

​Fatima woke up and found her on the floor. She went to the washroom and did her uwju and completed her Fazar prayer.

???:Fatima!Fatima....!Have you woke up... Fatima?

[The little lamp of her room lighted up]

Fatima:[Opened the door]
Assalamualaikum abbu![Backoning]

F/d:Woalaikum assalam, have you completed your prayer? I'm not asking you. I'm just reminding you about it.[Backoning]

Fatima:Ok!Ok!I understood, abbu.Yea, I completed my prayer.[Backoning]

F/d:Good!Okey!Today you've an appointment at 10:00 am.Don't be afraid, okay!Be ready![Backoning]

Fatima:Abbu!I've told you many times that don't try it again and again.I'm tired of it![Backoning]

F/d:Fatima........You're my one and only daughter . You're the most precious thing for me in this whole world. You're who for whom I'm thankful to Allah for the rest of my life.My Jannah......please listen to me for the last time......I can't see my daughter "MUTE" and "DEAF" till my last breath.[tears are drowning in his eyes][wrote in phone]

NOTE:Fatima was mute.Till now she was not talking by the using of her voice. She was beckoning, and her father also had to do that for her cause she could not hear anything.

Fatima:Okey abbu I'll go.But for the last time!And now don't cry.You can't see me mute,I can not see you crying.Now you go I'm coming after sometimes also don't go to the kitchen you know you'll harm yourself if you go there...![Backoning]

F/d:😅!ok!come I'm going![he left][Backoning]

---Author pov---
Fatima went to the balcony and took fresh air of early morning....

Fatima:Ya Allah!You know I don't wanna go to the hospital.If the report again shows the same, my abbu will get sick so much that I don't want it.Ya Allah you know best but do something.[in mind]

---In the other side---

F/d:Allah!Do something for my daughter.I can not see her like that.

Fatima:Abbu!What are you talking about? [Voice of phone]


Fatima:Okey!I'm going to make breakfast.After breakfast, I've an interview today.I'll go to the hospital from there.Okey!?[Backoning]


---Other side---

!!!:You're the one who can handle it!If you don't complete your work greatly.Then be ready.....

Girl 1:S...si..ir....I...I'll try my best!Please don't do it with me, please, sir.....!

!!!:If you do this perfectly, then I'll reward you.but.....If you....

Girl 1:It won't happened sir...!
!!!:Let's see...!😏

---In the hospital--'


Farqun[F/d]:Yes,doctor!What is the report?

Doctor:We can recover Fatima.But...

Farqun [F/d]:But what doctor....?

Doctor:It would be so much risky for her.And It'll help her to breathe her last...

Farqun [F/d]:🥺😢!I can't lose my daughter.Thank you!

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