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---In the morning---
Fatima gets ready for her office, and she wore this....

She went for office...

Fatima: [knocked]

Mr.Daehyune: Come in...

Fatima:.....[knocked and opened the door a little bit]

Mr.Daehyune: [looked at the door and said to come in]

Fatima: Assalamualaikum....sir...[Backoning]

Mr.Daehyune: ahum....so Ms. Fatima, welcome in our office... but Ms. Fatima Anabia....you have to sign in this paper....

Fatima: What is it?[Backoning]

Mr.Daehyune: You should read this...

Fatima read the paper and thought for a while, then she signed in the paper...

Mr.Daehyune: Ok, let's go and show you your seat...

Fatima: Hmm....

???: Mr.Daehyune, don't your employees have respect for their CEO...? Is that the behaviour of your workers with you...?

Fatima noticed what he had said

Fatima: Ohh... sorry I haven't noticed you...and if about the CEO then remember I've salam him when I've come...I think you should hear cause I know I can not hear but you know you can.[voice of phone]

???:..........................Mr.Daehyune Is it the behaviour of your employees with guests, and you know such a f*** funny thing is she can not hear, but she know what have I said...😆😒

Fatima: Mr. Don't think everyone like you....Yes, I can not hear, but I can say what you are saying by your lips ing...For understanding words everyone do not need a voice....[voice of phone]

Mr.Daehyune: 🤭.Uhm...ok, Ms. Fatima, you should go to your seat...

Fatima went for her seat, but suddenly, a man came to her...

Soliman: Hey, Ms. Fatima... how are you...?Is everything OK!


Soliman:What Hm...say something. After all, we are working together...[catching her hand]

Fatima gets angry and slaps him hardly...
Everyone was staring at them...

Soliman: You slapped me... how dare you?

Grabbed her shoulders hardly... Fatima again slapped him....Soliman gets angry so much

Soliman: I'll remember this day...

Mr.Daehyune: What is happening here? Why are you making sound so much?

Soliman: Sir... she is our new employee and for that I said to her that... let me help you for today afterallwe are friends...and she slapped me 2 times...

???:Mr.Daehyune, isn't she doing so much? She didn't tilt her head to you or me,she behaved rudely with us, and now she slapped the employee who has been working in your office for the last 5 years......I think she should leave...

Mr.Daehyune: Ms.Fatima what happened here, and why have you slapped him....

Soliman: Sir, I've already told you...

Mr.Daehyune: I didn't ever ask you....
Ms. Fatima Anabia, why have you slapped him...?

Fatima: Firstly, he tried to touch me, and after that, he tried to touch my body [Backoning], so I slapped him...as his name maybe he is also a Muslim man...he might be know that "An unknown man cannot touch an unknown woman or girl." Doesn't he know that...?[voice of phone]

???:Huh, what a cover full woman... does not like the touches of a man...😒... Don't we know the woman like you...woman's like you good in day and at night went to the striper-club....and,

Fatima gets angry so much. Hence, she also slapped him but a little hard....

Fatima: Mr.Daehyune... Thanks for the respect that your office gave...I'm not telling you... Yeah, you're such a good man... but I can not stay here for a second...sorry...[voice of phone]

???:wait, Ms. Fatima.....have you reminded your agreement paper...wait, let me remind you....there was written that....."You can not leave this office without working for a year or more than it. Or if you leave, you should give this company 200 million..."😏


Fatima:....................Mr.Daehyune, can I join from tomorrow...?

Mr.Daehyune: Okey, you can....

???:Ahu...Mr.Daehyune, you forgot that you've sold your company to me...that's why now I am the CEO of this company.

Mr.Daehyune: No, I haven't forgotten... but today is not over yet... I sold you, but you're the CEO of this office from tomorrow....as it I am still the CEO of this office....

[To be continued]

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