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You ended up getting up again in the night to throw up but have been asleep ever since, it's now 2pm. Less comes into your room and sits next to you moving your hair out your face.

Alessia: "Morning darling, are you feeling any better"

Renne: "No, honestly I feel worse"

Alessia: "Bless you, do you want anything"

Renne: "A hug" you reach out your arms

Alessia: "Do you want anything else" she says stroking your hair still in the hug

Renne: "Some water and paracetamol please"

Alessia: "Okay i'll be back up in five" she goes downstairs and comes back up with a water bottle and paracetamol which you take.

Alessia: "I'll be downstairs with beth and viv shout me if you need"

Renne: "Beth and viv are here"

Alessia: "Yeah they came over for lunch"

Renne: "Did they bring myle"

Alessia: "No don't worry you aren't missing out" she smiles slightly

Renne: "Good" you smile before less goes back downstairs and you stay in bed watching your phone when kyra texts you

Kyra x

>Hey hun, just checking in to see how you are after yesterday x

<Hey ky, i'm alright think i just have a sickness bug x

>Hope you feel better soon then x

<Thanks x

You then feel like you're about to be sick again so put your phone down and run to the bathroom. You throw up, a lot, so you text less to come up and she rushes up the stairs.

Alessia: "Oh yn, your really not well are you" she says feeling your forehead which is burning up

Renne: "Can i have some medicine"

Alessia: "Not yet darling you've not long had the other ones" she sighs

Renne: "But less, they haven't done anything" you say as a tear falls down your cheek

Alessia: "I know hun, let's get you in bed i'll bring you up some water and just try and sleep"

Renne: "Can you help me up" you say reaching up for her.

She puts her arms under yours and helps you to your feet supporting you before helping you into bed, she goes and gets you water which you sip before trying to go back to sleep. You end up falling asleep for about 45 minutes but wake up in pain with your stomach still, you walk downstairs to try and find less but see beth and viv instead.

Beth: "You okay hun" she smiles

Renne: "No I feel like shit, do you know where less is"

Viv: "She went out to the shops, what did you need her for"

Renne: "A hug and some more medicine the one she gave me first did nothing" you slump yourself on the sofa

Beth: "Come here, you can have a beffy hug and viv will get you some medicine, yeah" she smiles and you go over to her, and snuggle into her side.

Viv: "Take this darling less said it should help some more" she gives you some medicine and water.

Renne: "Thanks vivvy"

Beth: "Do you wanna watch a movie"

Renne: "Sure"

Viv: "Beth put rio on" she smiles at you knowing it's your favourite

Beth: "Why" she groans

Renne: "Cause it's my favourite film" you smile slightly

Beth: "Fine, only because you're sick" she puts the film on and you snuggle into her side while she strokes your hair.

You're about half way through the film when someone walks through the door.

Alessia: "I'm back" she announced dropping her shopping and walking into the living room.

Beth: "Hey less" she shouted back

Less walked into the living room to find you asleep snuggled into beth.

Alessia: "How's she been"

Viv: "She came down almost an hour ago asking for some medicine, she took it but fell asleep almost straight after on Beth"

Beth: "She looked dreadful bless her, she hasn't been sick since she came down but she is red hot" she said placing a hand on your forehead

Alessia: "At least she's not been sick again" she sighed

Viv: "Less go sort yourself out, make yourself some food, we've got her here"

Alessia: "Are you sure"

Beth: "Positive, we'll shout if she needs you"

Alessia left the room and made some toast and eggs for herself while you stayed asleep snuggled into Beth who seemed to be enjoying the real life teddy bear she had gained. You had been asleep for almost two hours before you woke up with the urge to throw up again.

Alessia: "You okay darling" she said realising you now awake

Renne: "I'm gonna be sick" you said trying to get up but the feeling you were going to throw up just got stronger

Viv: "Beth give her that" she said handing Beth a bucket which made it under you just in time

Alessia: "It's okay, let it all out" she said after moving beside you to hold your hair back

Beth: "Your alright kiddo" she said rubbing your back as you continued to throw up

Renne: "I hate it less, why can't it just stop" you groaned tears stinging your eyes

Alessia: "I wish it could ren" she said before allowing you to rest into her, your head on her chest

Renne: "It all hurts less"

Alessia: "I know it does, i know" she said stroking your hair

Viv: "Less we need to get going back to myle but please if you need any of us in the night please just call" she said sympathetically

Alessia: "Thanks for staying with her today girls"

Beth: "Don't worry about it" she smiled

Both the girls said goodbye before leaving, you stayed on less' chest, unable to find the energy to more but unable to fall back asleep

Alessia: "You okay bug"

Renne: "No" you said a tear escaping your eye

Alessia: "Do you want some more medicine and then you can try and go to bed"

You nodded, Less managed to move you off of her chest but with the lack of energy you had you practically collapsed back into the sofa when you tried to get up

Alessia: "Stay there darling, i'll be two seconds" she said before going to get you some medicine and water.

You took the medicine and from a lot of help from Alessia you managed to get changed into some new pyjamas and into your bed.

Word count- 1060

Hey guys sorry for the lack of updates hopefully they will be more consistent soon

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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