The Terror - Lucifer?

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Yes, yes I know!!! I've been updating very slow... BUT THAT WILL CHANGE SOON!!! Okay?? Soon, I should be back to regular schedule! PROMISE!!!! Soooo, I've managed to make a chapter EXTRA early for ya'll. I'M TRYIN'!!!


I felt myself gain control of Amelia's body, it was as if my already breaking chains had been removed. I was free, even if it is just for a moment. It's best I utilize this favor while I have the chance; if it was for any other reason, Amelia would have never let me have this moment of freedom. I felt the black substance drip from my eyes, as the one purple tips of my hair became black, and my shadow disappeared.

"Um, Amelia? You, uh... good?" Lucifer asked from behind me; it was hard to see in the darkly lit hallway, but I guess my current appearance is abnormal for Amelia.

"Wonderful, Lucifer," I said, smiling, turning around to face Lucifer, and the light buzzed off and on violently. 

Lucifer seemed horrified at the sight of me, "I think you have a little something on your face. Heh, heh..." His voice awkwardly trailed off as I started backing him to the walk.

I smiled, "What? Don't tell me you don't remember me?" I said playfully.

He laughed nervously, "I think something's wrong with your voice there..."

"What? Me? No, eventing is fine with me." I said as Lucifer found himself trapped, unable to back himself further, and I slammed my hand down on the wall next to his face. The light finally went out as my smile became more visible in the dark, and my voice lowered, "You should be more worried about yourself, Lucifer... or as I once called you, Luci."

I couldn't read his expression in the dark, but his voice sounded scared, "You don't mean... surely... no... Lazarus? Is that you?"

That name still doesn't feel right... "What?" I asked, "You thought you could keep me all locked up forever?" I gave a low chuckle as my free hand wrapped around Luci's neck, and I heard a slight struggle. "Well, you can't." My hand became tighter as I spoke, as the slowed breathing and struggles became more apparent. "I'd kill you, here and now. But no, death, that's too good for you. I'm going to crush every single thing you've ever cared about. And relish in your tears of despair, then... I'll bring you down with it."

"That seems like quite the revenge plan." A voice announced, laced with static from the other side of the hallway.


I laughed; this should be fun. I let go of Luci's throat and backed off the wall as he started coughing with his lungs begging for air. The lights flickered back on as I came to see Alastor a few steps before me.

"Why hello, Alastor. Somehow, you always manage to attend parties you aren't invited to. It's quite annoying." I said.

He chuckled, "Well, as much as I'd like to continue this pointless conversation. I'd like all my questions to be answered. And it isn't hard to tell that... you're not Amelia. So I'm going to ask this one, who the fuck are you, and why are you in Amelia's body?"

I gave a fake gasp, "How ungentleman-like to use such a curse word." I chuckled it off, "As for who I am? I have no reason to tell you, nor do I feel like explaining. Besides, I find it much more fun seeing you get angry."

The hacking and coughing that filled the background of our conversation seemed to stop, "Lazarus..." Lucifer breathed out behind me.

Alastor's grin became wider, "So that's your name?" He confirmed. 

But the scowl on my face confirmed his answer, "Don't you ever say it." I threatened. Luci and Zestial are the only ones who know my name and to hear anyone else say it. It's unnerving.

He kept that ever-so-smug grin as he innocently questioned, "Whatever do you mean?" He grinned, "Lazarus."

He just pulled the last straw. My expression dropped as I lifted my hand and clenched it.  Using my magic, I caused Alastor to freeze in time, leaving him frozen in the same spot. 

I smiled at the image, "Not so tough, are you now?" I asked as I walked over to him. As I traced my hand around his neck, "I could kill you right here and now." I smiled back at him, "And I-" I was stopped, and another hand grabbed mine.

"Lazarus, stop. You don't have to do this. Just give us Amelia back." Luci pleaded as I yanked my hand back.

I laughed like a lunatic as I stepped back, "Doesn't have to be this way? Is that some joke?! YOU," I pointed at him as I continued, "YOU lead me to this! We could have had something greater than this if you had just followed me! BUT NO, instead, you lock me up!" I chuckled, "I spent years in that dastardly book, Luci. YEARS, in a BOOK of all things. So yes, I DO think things have to be this way!" I stopped Luci in time just as I did Alastor, "I plan to destroy everything you've ever loved." I said as I stared at Luci, then turned towards Alastor, "And you, oh my gosh! So ANNOYING, always trying to discover our secrets! ...I can't kill you; Amelia's life is solely dependent on yours, as is yours... But I can definitely hurt you; that wouldn't affect her." I grinned at him. "Maybe I should just start ripping your ears off your head? I wonder how that would affect you... hm." My hand went over his ears, but I couldn't grab them.

No, the favor was to be able to talk to Lucifer; hurting Alastor is NOT part of this.

"Oh? But what happened? Hm? All that brave talk about how Alastor was 'holding you back'? Was that just you playing around with me?" I asked.

...No. I meant what I said, but... I...

I stood there confused and then chuckled at the realization, "You can't seem to let go of your feelings for him. Is that it? You can't bear to know that you let him get injured by your own hands?"


I sighed, "As I thought, but it doesn't have to be that way... Just let me break it: the tether holding you two together. Then, one of you will have to die anyway! And Alastor's going to be the one dying." I said, watching Luci and Alastor while conversing with Amelia.

Hold on, you said one of us is going to HAVE to die. Care to explain???

"Why do I always have to explain everything?" I complained as I continued, "You see when you tied your soul to Alastor's, it made both of your souls completely dependent on the other. So if one dies, well... the other goes alone with it. One can't survive without the other, but if someone powerful enough, like me, could break the tie between you two... Then that demon has the option to choose who dies because, of course, one of you has to die. That's how it works!" I looked back at Alastor, "So, I'll just break it and–"

NO! Don't you DARE to do anything to him, you got that?!

The yell was harsh enough to make me jump back, as I lost my focus... as well as my hold on Alastor and Luci.

They're free from my time trap... Shit.

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