Is the territory family homeless?
In the episode, "The Quiet Game", there is a dog identical to the terriers in the background, supposedly homeless and begging for help. He also eyes Bluey and Bingo with some recognition. Could he have known that his children went to school with the two girls?
There is more evidence of this because the father of the terriers is simply never shown, nor even talked about in the first place, no matter which season. Was this intentional, or simply just coincidence? If not, did the parents get a divorce? Could this be leading back to stories around 5 years ago (when the show came out), when women would marry and leave their husbands with nothing for money after the divorce?
That brings us to another question:Is Winton's dad cheating on his mom?
In the same episode that we see the terrier's father, in the same scene, we see Winton's dad holding another woman's hand, and giving the terrier 20 dollar bucks. Perhaps Winton's knew the terrier dog? And perhaps Winton's dad knew it was the terrier family's mother's ex husband.Are Muffin's parents arguing over Socks?
In the episode, "Faceytalk", Muffin's parents are constantly arguing in the background of Muffin drawing on the tablet about how to raise their kids. The thing is, Muffin isn't surprised. Does this mean that maybe it's normal for this to happen? Could this be foreshadowing a divorce?
There is also some evidence of Socks being autistic. Ever notice how Socks is the only dog of her age still crawling? Well, there is some evidence saying that this is a sign of autism. Another piece of evidence pointing to this is that she bit Bluey once when she was upset. This is also another sign of early autism, by having to use non-verbal ways to communicate feelings and emotions.Coincidence? I think not.
In the episode, "Market", Bluey finally spends his 5 dollars on a man playing guitar. We see him later with it in a leprechaun's hat a few episodes later, when in the episode, "Dance Mode", he is playing when Bandit has to dance in front of everyone for Bingo.
The next time we see him with it is in "The Quiet Game", where he spends it, after getting out of a white automobile, on ice cream.
While this is a simple detail and not too terribly relevant to their family and their friend's family's situations, I do think it is worth noting, as it makes you wonder: Why have such a simple motif? Will it come back later? Could this be foreshadowing something from adulthood?Was there an 'off-screen' car accident?
In season one, Bingo uses a regular seat belt just like Bluey, but in season two, in the episode, "Escape", they switch over to a baby seat. Could this be because of a car accident that happened 'off screen'?
There is even more pointing to this in the 30 minute episode, where Chili tells the officer that she wouldn't let Bluey ride in the front if it weren't an emergency, and that she normally would've had her stay home. Was this pointing to them having a car accident, or was it just an editing choice and proof that Chili is protective of her girls and wouldn't usually let something so supposedly dangerous happen?
Secret Backstories to TV Shows, Shorts, and Movies
Não FicçãoThese are basically just a whole bunch of 'secrets' that the editors, artists, animation team, and writers decided would have insignificant significance.