Chapter 2

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Ringing filled his ears, his body screaming in pain. His entire world felt as if it was spinning all around him, as his hearing began to return to him.

"Ow... what the hell..." he huffed, his eyes slowly opening.

The darkness around him soon began to disperse, thanks to his sight getting used to the light around him, or rather, what little there was. His body, lying on what had to be concrete, slowly began to move, as he pushed himself off the ground and onto his knees.

"Where am I? What is this place?" he mumbled, his eyes glancing over everything that they could.

There was nothing but four walls of concrete, with a door in front of him. It was almost like he was in a high-security prison cell. No, it was worse than that. A prison cell would at least have a bed, a toilet, and a sink. This cell had nothing but a blanket on the floor, where he happened to be sitting now.

"Okay... Don't freak out... This is a prank It's gotta be a prank. I mean, I was just talking about guys getting snatched, and now this.Yeah, just a few more minutes and my family will come out and surprise me. Definitely!"

Even with him saying that, deep inside he knew what was going on. He was taken, kidnapped, and without anyone who witnessed it.

"This ain't a prank, kid."

The sudden voice sent shivers of fear down his spine. His heart pounding against his chest. He looked to his left, then to his right.

"Wh-Who's there?! God?!" he cried, his eyes looking up to the ceiling.

"The fuck?! No, stupid! Look through the bars on the door. I'm over to the right."

Though hesitant, he did as he was told, his knees shaking under him. With each step, his breathing hitched, and his heart would jump. What if someone jumps out? What if it's a Jason situation and someone slices his hand off?! He needed that hand, especially his right one! With a deep breath, he slowly looked out of the barred window, his eyes glancing out to his right. To his surprise, a hand waved out to him.

"Over here! Can you see me?"

"Y-Yeah, I can see you. Who are you? What's going on?" Cole questioned, his hands gripping at the bars before him.

"Name's Tae, and as for what's going on, I'm as clueless as you. One moment I'm walking home from behind Walmart, and the next, I wake up in this goddamn cell. Been here for, what I assume, is 4 days."

Cole's eyes widened. He remembered Arron saying something similar to that! Was that man the same as the one on the news?

"So, the kidnappers on the news were the ones who took me, too... Shit, this is really, really bad! Why the fuck is this happening?!"

Tae groaned, "Chill out! I can tell you right now that even though this is scary as fuck, you don't have anything to worry about. Well, at least for now, I think."

"You think?! The hell is that supposed to mean?!" Cole cried out, his anxiety going into overdrive.

His mind couldn't handle this level of stress. Dealing with his job was enough to make him stressed beyond relief, and now he was in something way worse! It wasn't just because he was kidnapped, but it was the unknown of what he was going to be used for. Tae only huffed.

"Look, I can tell you what they're gonna do to you, and it's nothing painful, trust me," he started, pulling Cole from his woes, "For the past few days, all they have done is pulled me into some room and watched me through a glass. They were having me do some sorta test," he finished.

Cole's eyes widened in curiosity. What exactly did he mean by tests? The first thing that came to mind was a math test, or maybe an eye test. Unfortunately, it was highly unlikely that whoever abducted him was here to perform a physical on him.

With curiosity in his voice, he asked, "What kind of tests are you talking about? If they wanted to test my brain power? Like on Ghostbusters with the spoon binding. I ain't no X-Men."

"It wasn't anything like that, you moron," Tae scoffed, with an almost audible eye roll, "They just kept telling me to make this slab of concrete turn on or something."

"You mean like a stone talismen? What is this, Gauntlet?!"

"Well, it wasn't really a talisman. It was more like a podium, or a pedestal. It was something along those lines."

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