First day of school.

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It was finally the first day of school and Nyla was SCARED. She obviously wanted to make a good impression and make friends. Nyla had to wake up at 5 which was pretty early but she surprisingly wasn't tired. The outfit Nyla picked out the night before was this.

Nyla couldn't decide between straightening her hair or curling it so she did eenie meenie miny moe

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Nyla couldn't decide between straightening her hair or curling it so she did eenie meenie miny moe. She ended up curling her hair. Nyla then did makeup which was just summer Friday's lip balm, mascara, and foundation. "MOM IM READY!" Nyla yelled out as she went downstairs. "Aw don't you look cute." Her mom said as Nyla giggled. "Your still driving me to school right?" Nyla asked. "Mhm." She said as the 2 got in the car. "Can I get Starbucks?" Nyla asked. "Fine. But don't tell your dad he thinks it's a waste of money." She said as Nyla laughed. Nyla's order was a strawberry açai lemonade with light ice. "Thank you!" Nyla thanked as she took a sip of her drink. "We're here." Nyla's mom said as Nyla's jaw DROPPED. "Shit it's big. I'm gonna get lost!" Nyla complained. "Have a good day sweetie." She said as Nyla got out and immediately looked for Salish.

Once she saw her she ran over and hugged her. "Hey say!" Nyla said as she noticed she was with a guy. "Nyla this is Nidal, Nidal this is Nyla." Salish said as she introduced the 2. "Is that your boyfriend?" Nyla asked. "NO!" The 2 said in sync. "Anyways what classes are you in?" Salish asked. "Science, English, pe, and math." Nyla said. "Aw I only have pe and English with you. But Nidal has science with you so don't worry." Salish explained. Just then the bell rang. "Cmon you don't wanna be late miss Thompson is strict!" Salish said as she said bye to Nidal and dragged Nyla to English class. Nyla LOVED writing and all that stuff so she was pretty good at English class. "Class we have a new student everyone say hi to Nyla!" miss Thompson said as Nyla awkwardly laughed. "Uh hi guys!" Nyla said as she sat down next to Salish. Salish and Nyla passed notes throughout the whole class until the bell rang. "Everyone remember to do your homework!" Miss Thompson said as Salish and Nyla left.

"Next is pe!" Salish said as the 2 went to the gym. "Miss miller is really nice so don't worry." Salish said as Nyla's jaw dropped. "Your guys gymnasium is huge!" Nyla said as she looked at Salish. "Mhm Anyways today we're doing volleyball I think." Salish said as Nyla smirked to herself. "Perfect I'm really good at volleyball." Nyla said as miss miller told them all to sit down at the wall. "Today we are doing volleyball now I'm deciding teams!" Miss miller said as she did teams, Salish and Nyla were sadly on opposite teams. The game started and Nyla was on. The ball came to her and she spiked it to get her team a point. Once Nyla was serving she decided to overhand and it gave her team the last point they needed to win. "YESS!" Nyla said as she smiled, knowing she carried her team. "Salish your pre good!" Nyla said. "Nah your WAY better." Salish said as Nyla died laughing. Just then the bell rang for lunch so the 2 walked to the cafeteria.

"Usually just me and Nidal share a table but you can join us!" Salish said as the 2 sat down. Waiting for Nidal who was obviously late. "That food looks nasty." Nyla said as Salish agreed. "They have no vegetarian options." Salish complained. "Or anything healthy. And it's overpriced." Nyla groaned as she offered Salish gum. "Bro Nidal your always late!" Salish said as she slapped him on the shoulder. Nyla thought lunch would be awkward since she hasn't really talked to Nidal that much but surprisingly it wasn't and Nyla got to know Nidal more. Just then the bell rang. "Anyways Nidal go show Nyla the science class since y'all have the same class. Byee!" Salish said as she ran off leaving Nyla with nidal. "Yo what's your snap so we can talk more." Nidal asked as they walked to class and he gave her his phone to add herself. Nyla typed in her snap and added herself. "There. I'll accept later." Nyla said as they walked into science class and Nyla sat next to Nidal not knowing where else to sit. Nyla accidentally fell asleep during science. Once the bell rang Nidal went over and tapped her on the shoulder to wake her up. "Bro I fell asleep for the whole class can I borrow your notes?" Nyla asked Nidal as she stood up. "Ye sure." Nidal said as he smiled. "And uh can you show me where math class is?" Nyla asked as he said yes and they walked to her class. "Thank you! Bye cya around." Nyla said to Nidal as he waved and left.

This was Nyla's last class of the day so she was excited to leave once class was over. Throughout math class Nyla made another friend named Tessa. Once the bell rang Nyla practically sprinted out of there to leave since her mom was picking her up. "How was your first day sweetie?" Nyla's mom asked as Nyla got in the car and put her seatbelt on. "Good I have a few friends." Nyla said as she looked out the car window. "Oh well that's nice." Her mom said as they drove home. Once they got home Nyla rushed to her room to add back Nidal. Once she added him back she immediately said "Heyy" and waited for an answer.
"Wsg ur Nyla right?" Nidal texted back.
"Mhm." Nyla texted not knowing what to text.
"How was your first day?" Nidal texted.
"Meh it was pre good!" Nyla texted before saying she had to go. Nyla put her phone down and almost immediately passed out asleep.


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