💚~ Pestilence ~🖤

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A tricky spirit, nearly impossible to catch. No force can truly kill it, not even a lit match.

 Pandora shouldn't have aided its escape, should've known better. In her defense, there was no note, no warning, no letter.

How could there be, for something so vast? Something that had such a haunting role in years past.

Pestilence, if you could stop your reign of terror, I wonder if you would. I wonder if there will come a day when you are gone for good.

A/N: Did I think I would start "Sunset's Verses Vol. 2" so soon? No, no, I didn't. It was a spontaneous & hopefully pleasant surprise. I'm not sure when the next poem will be up, though I hope you enjoyed this one. See you in the next one, loves!💞

~Love, Sunset

~Love, Sunset

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