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Ruffling fingers gently on the soft furs of the orange little cat, Y/n chuckled seeing her purr while devouring the sweet bread, she gave to the tiny being.
"You liked it too?" She mumbled, mostly to herself in wonder that why her friend, Mabel didn't took much liking of the said bread.

A cloudy afternoon, Cold winds wafting over the entire town signalling the arrival of freezing days ahead.
Y/n was crouching down at the corner of the damp street, an unlit lampost beside her and the tabby cat.

Spending time like this.. with trees or birds or books is what keeping her sane these days. She was in constant strive to forget about all the nonsense going on with her. To get this ephemeral escape, she has been spending more of her time with non-humans these days.

Thus, Today she deliberately missed her usual bus and decided to get home by walking on the pavement, filled with small puddles and tiny grasses growing at the corners.

With a hint of smile on her lips she looked at the retrieving figure of the orange Cat hopping over someone's fence.

Turning her head, she faced the similar pathway with a sigh. She was aware of the cold droplets that started pouring over her, but she didn't bother to open the umbrella placed in her bag by her mother and walked ahead as if it's the most wholesome weather.

Two months ago, she turned 23, her heart and eyes full of glee at the thought of how she's going to cherish her 20s. Fulfilling all the beautiful or weird desires.
She has just earned her masters degree this month and eagerly looking forward to her career only to find out two weeks ago that she was to be married.
And Oh Goodness Did she refused to this, giving most logical, comprehensive arguments to her parents that would've even made her professors believe that she was perfect to represent University in inter-college debate this semester.

Marriage, well sounds like a big hindrance in the way of her Euphoria but nevertheless, The main problem that had her feeling unnerving was the person or rather say Two Men, with whom she was going to spend her life with.

Exactly.. Here Marriages works in accordance with the notion of Polygamy. It is sometimes One Man marrying two women or vice versa. And who has the authority to dictate who marry who? Is it based on personal preferences? Well Y/n could only wish so.

There is the entire damn Institution for  Marital Affairs, which condemns marriages that went against the orders of this institution.
There's this absurd official Document formulated by this Institution that outlines all the provisions related to Marriage, divorce, Infidelity, adoption, all the possible conditions and situations you could think of.
And what about if three same genders wants to get into a marriage? Not happening..

To Y/n, even the idea of living with a man she barely knew is very disconcerting but now living with Two Men about whom she knows nothing except name and age..

Her anxiousness was very apparent. Her mother, however, laughed off saying it's just nervousness before marriage that every girl have. But of course why would she feel her apprehension? In her case, she was married to single man who had two wives.

Y/n wished that Institution had chosen this arrangement for her, where she would marry One Man who had two wives.

Inhaling a long breath, Y/n notices the lawn of her home from faraway.
She was now drenched and a cool gust of wind was all to have her shivering.
When she stepped on the threshold of her lawn, she could smell the pleasant fragrance of Jasmine and dampness. The beautiful ivy vine was reaching till her room's window, engulfed in little intricate white flowers. She still vividly remember when she potted its plant when she was 19.

Her peace and daze was short lived when she heard the chirping voice of her mother calling out her name. Her voice's cheeriness faded when she noticed her daughter drenched from head to toe.

"You had umbrella." Whether her mother asked or stated it, Y/n didn't bother to guess, but she quickly came up with.

"I.. didn't know." Even though her answer did sound disbelieving enough, her dull tone certainly confirmed her mother that she was lying.

She made it to her room without further inquiry and changed into some soft clothings. Laying on her bed she gaped out of window, a white flower of ivy vine peeking in her room.

"You weren't there in the morning?" She asked to the white petals, and closed her eyes when she got no reply.

Her mind again wandered in anticipation about her upcoming life.

Kace Andrews
Rovan Cavell

She breathed in deeply. Why her heart beating insanely just by thinking of their names?

They both are older than her. So, they'll show their supremacy..
What if, one of them or maybe b-both of them made her life living hell!?
"No!.. you shouldn't be this pessimistic.." the voice of her inner monologue tried to summon some positivity.
"They.. could be .. maybe sweet and caring, or like travelling or stargazing" she sighed.
"Atleast.. one of them would"

She couldn't help but curled up embracing her own self.
This week.. A meeting has been arranged.
The sole thought of her meeting them, living entire life with them under same roof had her feeling unsettling, her stomach churns. Still she can't do anything but accept this fate.

Hello my lovely readers!
So.. I've somehow made my mind to start working on a series I'm having in my mind since a while.
Actually I was little reluctant to work on it thinking dreading consequences.

But Kindly let me know your thoughts on storyline and writing. I'll made changes if I deem necessary.
Your considerations will be my great source of inspiration to continue working it.

Till then, see you soon,

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