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Y/n sat restlessly, attempting to camouflage her anxious self.
Her fingers lazily stirred the chamomile tea in a dull brown cup, gracefully placed on a porcelain plate.

The muffled murmurs were blanketed by the heavy scent of roasted cocoa and sweetness, making her stomach twist at awful sugary smell hung thick in the air.

However she kept her gaze outside, staring through a huge transparent glass as something interesting caught her eyes.
A small beige coloured puppy walking down the street, its big rounds eyes glistening and tail wagging back and forth as a piece of loaf clutched securely in its mouth.

She bit back a smile at the cute being.
In the next second, A cycle sped past the puppy, causing puppy to hastily scurry away dropping the loaf in a nearby puddle.

Y/n resisted the urge to grimace and shuffles her bag, placing it on her shoulder. As she was about to rise from her chair, she sat back down instantly as a male figure emerges, standing tall before her.

"Y/n?", She looked up, eyes gaping at the stranger. She soon found herself nodding involuntarily, as he took a seat before her, his dark brown eyes locked on hers the entire time as he leaned back, releasing a relaxed sigh.

"You were leaving because I was late?", He asked, silently nodding to himself.
"Well, that's fair enough, isn't it?", She again find his eyes staring into hers with a slight tilt of head.
She shook her head in an attempt to defend herself.
"I wasn't"

He blinks his eyes seeing her restless demeanour.
Then his lips curled up in a full smile.
"Rovan Cavell", he said in his smooth delightful voice.
However, she already knew his name. She saw his picture last night, though he looks much better in real with his mullets now grown and few strands of hair unkept. His glowy tan skin reminded her of coffee.

"And Kace won't be joining us. I just found out that he got caught up in something urgent".
The news somewhat relieved her subconsciously, two man at a time sounds too much to her.
As much as she knows about Kace for now, she can say that it is not unusual for him to not attend such meetings.

"That's.. alright", She said in a neutral tone, finding Roven thanking a young female Barista who neatly placed complimentary appetizer at your table.
Y/n knitted her brows, baffled that Barista never offered such welcome snack to anyone, not even her when she's been noticeably sitting here for last 15 minutes.

Not giving much thought to it, she gingerly shifted her gaze to look outside to see that puppy. But puppy was nowhere to be seen, neither was the loaf in that puddle.
'Puppy must've took that damp loaf.. poor boy'

"Are you looking for someone?", Y/n immediately shifted her eyes back at Rovan.
She frown internally, has she not been subtle enough? Was her body language that obvious to him? She's usually very proud at herself for being subtle about her demeanour.

"No, it's- Trees seems beautiful", She gave a small smile, looking out again, taking a sip of her tea.
"Chamomile Tea?", He spoke in low voice, almost like humming.
"to soothe your senses, uh you were nervous– stressed?"

Y/n wasn't liking any second of it.
No one has ever noticed this much about her from such a brief interaction, with just couple of words exchanged between them.

"It's what I usually prefer Mr. Cavelle" She answered.

"Oh! but please, Rovan is fine. And I must apologise for my habit of overseeing things".

"Apology accepted", She replied absentmindedly, followed by immediate regret for being so blatantly impolite.

He again flashed his awfully stunning smile. A smile that seems to be Comforting and Intimidating at the same time.
If Rovan were a close friend to Y/n, she would've find solace in his warm smile. She would accept that he looks Adorable.
Nonetheless, his sharp, witty raise of eyebrows, saccharine smile did nothing but make her put her guard up even further.

"I like your voice Y/n. You sound beautiful.", He mentions casually, fingers tapping lazily against the wooden table as he slightly tilt his head to have better look of her wandering eyes.
Y/n didn't know what to come up with except returning the compliment.
"Yours nice too."

She noticed a subtle twitch in his brow before he looked down and raise his eyes to her again with a pleasant grin. "Is that so?" He spoke in a low tone, ever so slightly.

Y/n couldn't decipher it. He seem genuine and gentle, with a soothing countenance but still.. something about him, wasn't easing her uneasiness.

"Isn't it suffocating here?", He said as he undone second button of his deep blue silk dress shirt.
"Shall we continue outside?" He suggested sucking up a sharp breath.

If Y/n were still a teenager, she'd be squealing about meeting her date at Café. Café sounds like a perfect romantic, cosy spot.
But as she grew, she felt claustrophobic in Cafés filled with intolerably cringe people.
"That– would be great" She replied.

Y/n glimpsed briefly at her cheap but comforting possession. Her wrist watch. Has it only been 20 minutes? She let out a incredulous sigh.
Not that she was not liking her time with Rovan. But wouldn't it be more consoling and less reluctant if he were some old cherished friend?

They talked about various things, mostly which he initiated.
She got to have better understanding of his work. He is at esteemed position in Government services under The Finance Ministry. A job that is regarded prestigious in their society.

"You seem to adore puppies", Her eyes gaped in disbelief at his words.
She barely looked at that puppy roaming here and there during their interaction.
She just did occasional glimpses through her peripheral vision.
However, She just doesn't want to give in to his statement.

"Not exactly puppies but every animals", She responded curtly, turning her back at him.
"Then you could be vegan. Which leads me to assume that your preferences aren't in slasher/gore genre for movies or books", His said, his each word sounded less like a guess but more like a certain statement.

Her left hand fisted at the hem of her dress, as she stood, akin to frozen.
This man is ridiculously good at reading people. All he needs are just subtle inklings and he'll find your address too.

"I– I am sorry Y/n", He faced her maintaining a certain distance, A few strands of hair fell over his forehead casting a faint shade on his face and eyes.

"I didn't want to sound prying but you barely open up to me so—  I was left with being inquisitive" he shrugs, sounding embarrassed, his voice not more than a soft murmur.

"No, I see. It's fine", she said and finally gave a small smile.
Crispy wind blew furiously, her hair messily shaded her face. She quickly raised her hand to tuck them behind her ear.
Her eyes timidly averting from his.

"Weather's getting bad", She spoke, inhaling deeply into this greying surrounding. The euphony of trees rustling vigorously resounds owing to the sheer force of wind.

"Yeah. It is." He says.

"It—  would be better if we reach home before it gets worse" She said with a reluctant pause.

"Indeed..", He said, with suppressed smirk forming at the corners of his lips. 

"However, don't think that I haven't noticed that you absolutely love being in such weather Y/n. And being confined within four walls of your home when winds weaving through your hair is the last thing you'd want."

She hadn't realise that her right hand was raised, held securely in the warmth of his. Her cold knuckles were close to the hot breathe of his mouth me.
His piercing dark brown gaze locked with her reluctant eyes.
His pale pink lips lingered on her knuckles as he placed a chaste kiss on them before letting go.

Hey, again!
I well.. actually was reluctant to write this story further, concerned about my scratchy writing skill as it is my first book and first time writing on Wattpad.
(Don't know why do I write in such fast pace way ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ)

Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to your your views on this one. Kindly make sure to let me know!!

AND! Your thoughts about Rovan Cavell?

Till then, see you soon,

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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