Chapter 17

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The courier company I worked for had partnered with a prominent charity foundation hosting a charity event as it helped their improving image. Since I was selected as the employee of the month, I was tasked with attending the event as one of the representatives. It seemed like a significant occasion, especially with a guest of honour causing excitement. However, despite the buzz surrounding the event, I saw it as just another task for my job and prepared to dress formally for the event.

On the day of the event, I opted for a black slip dress that I had picked up last minute, paired with black heels. It was a surprise to find myself walking comfortably in heels, as I usually avoided wearing them. I noticed everyone else had followed the same black-tie dress code, and I gave myself a mental pat on the back for putting together a suitable outfit. My colleagues socialised and networked as if this wasn't their first time attending an event like this, although it was my first-ever social event. I felt unsure of where to begin so I grabbed a drink and decided to observe from a corner, taking in the scene.

Just then, a commotion broke out, causing a stir in the room. It seemed to be centered around the guest of honor everyone was eagerly anticipating. The press crowded around the scene, while attendees gasped and whispered in excitement. I tried to make my way towards the crowd, eager to see what was happening, only to be bumped into by a man who caused me to spill my drink on my dress. He walked away without even noticing, leaving me annoyed but I realised it wasn't the worst thing that could happen. I quickly made my way to the restroom to clean up, but upon catching a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror, I noticed a rash on my face that hadn't been there before, leaving me confused. I was irked but there was nothing I could do about it. After wiping away the drink residue, I stepped out of the restroom, my eyes still focused on my dress, and accidentally bumped into someone's chest.

"Oh, sorry about that," I apologised, stepping back and realising it seemed to be a day of constant collisions. My eyes remained fixed on my dress as I spoke.

"Hello you," that familiar voice jolted me and I raised my gaze to see who I had bumped into. There was no way this was happening. It felt surreal, like a dream, seeing him there. It took me a moment to catch my breath, a whirlwind of emotions swirling within me at the sight of him. "It's been a while," he said, breaking the moment.

This couldn't be happening. We shouldn't be talking. With a surge of urgency, I bolted out of the hallway, sprinting towards the exit of the hall, desperately hoping he wouldn't follow me. I was not going to meet him, I had promised myself. I wanted to prevent any sort of encounter with him. I glided down the stairs, but lost my balance halfway because of the heels. Those darned heels. If I hadn't worn them. I braced myself for the fall, and awaited the moment I hit the ground but it didn't happen. Instead, I felt a firm grip on my arm. I opened my eyes and turned to see who had caught me, and there he was, holding onto my arm.

"Aria," he spoke my name with a hint of frustration, "be careful, would you? And stop running away." With a firm grasp, he pulled me back towards him, and I collided with his chest. It had been too long since I had felt the solidity of his embrace.

"Erling, let me go." I said as I attempted to free my arm from his strong grip, but he wouldn't let go.

"No." He stated firmly. "You stay here. You're not running away. That's all you've been doing since the past three months."

"Because I didn't want to be the reason you'd break up with your girlfriend!" I exclaimed, tears brimming in my eyes. "I saw the way you looked at me. Don't deny it. You were developing feelings for me, weren't you?"

"Don't tell me you weren't feeling the same way about me," he retorted, his tone still sharp. "Don't lie to me and claim it was simply friendship."

"It was," I replied, tears streaming down my face. "I didn't want anything more."

He paused, and a heavy silence settled between us, broken only by the sound of my sobs. Retrieving a pocket square from his suit, he offered it to me, but I declined. He reached out and gently wiped away my tears himself.

"I don't like seeing you cry," he said gently. "Let's go back inside."

"You go first," I replied, still sobbing. "I need a moment."

He nodded, understanding, and gave my hand a gentle squeeze before turning to head back into the event hall. I took a few deep breaths, trying to compose myself, before wiping away the tears and following him inside. As I entered, I noticed the curious gazes of some attendees, but I ignored them, focusing on finding a quiet corner where I could collect my thoughts. I found a secluded spot and sat down, trying to calm my racing thoughts.

The event continued, with the hosts delivering speeches on the stage. Eventually, Erling was called up to share a few words. Attempting to look away as he walked up on the stage, I couldn't help but notice how good he looked, his suit fitting him perfectly and complimenting his body. My eyes then landed on the audience and I spotted the beautiful girl I had seen at his apartment, presumably his girlfriend. I sighed with relief, knowing they were back together, despite the pain in my heart.

"Hello guys, I want to thank everyone for welcoming me as a guest of honour," he said with his appealing Norwegian accent, which always seemed like music to my ears, "To show my support of this organisation, I have made a pledge, and I sincerely hope they will continue their outstanding work to aid the underprivileged." As he spoke, his gaze lingered on his girlfriend, who returned his affectionate look. Seeing them together, content and supportive of each other, should have brought me joy, but instead, it made me want to run away.

He walked down the stage after a few more words and posing for photos with the hosts. He made his way towards his girlfriend and they were once again engulfed by a crowd, providing me with the perfect opportunity to slip away unnoticed. I left the hall quietly, and made my way into the parking lot where I spotted his red Audi. Memories of our past encounters flooded my mind as I couldn't resist taking a moment to reminisce about the times he had given me a ride in that car. As I was lost in my thoughts, the sound of approaching footsteps startled me, prompting me to swiftly hide behind a nearby wall to avoid being seen staring at another person's car.

"You find a problem with everything I do," the feminine voice argued. "I came here because I was instructed by your publicist to show up."

"I clearly told them not to call you anymore, it's not like we are together. Things ended long time ago, even before when you lied about being pregnant and getting an abortion," the familiar voice of Erling retaliated. "We were never really dating to begin with."

Those words left me stunned.

"You still need someone by your side to make you look good," she sighed angrily. "I'm the only one you have."

"You're really pushing my limits," his voice was filled with frustration. "I've put up with you for far too long. I regret ever knowing you. I can't handle how you've taken an advantage of me whenever an opportunity has come."

"Whatever Erl, just drop me home." She said as she got into his car.

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