A World for You and Me

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"Listen, children, I do not have a lot of time left. Some of you are bright, and some of you are pitiful. But you are all gifted when compared to the world."

A youthful but stern-looking man with glasses spoke to the gathering of what amounted to children. Some were a little older being teenagers but for a man who had lived his life, they might very well have been children.

"Listen to me. Any who cowers before a challenge is not worth my investment. Any who cowers before a challenge when alone will cower when it matters.

"And so are not worthy of whatever I can give." Despite the biting words, his tone managed to remain even. He raised his hand to adjust his glasses.

"Get to the point old man." A teenager in the back spoke up. He wore a black shirt that said '#4'.

Including him, there were only 4 other youths present. And one more set aside.

"Right. Tristan here, is the only one who can help me with what needs to be done. So you all will help him when the time comes.

"I've perfected you all to serve your purpose." The man grinned, seemingly only inches away from laughter, until he calmed down.

"Papa? Is that why I have this thing inside me?" The boy looked down to his chest which glowed with a faint gold light now and then.

"To protect everyone?" Young Tristan said with a slight blush on his chubby face.

"You know they say it is hard to match my charm, but how come my son does it so perfectly?" His son was just too adorable.

As for who was saying it maybe only he knew.

The other children in the room looked at the boy with envy, some even looked at him with fear. But none dared to make a noise lest they disturb the pair.

Squatting back down so he could see his son properly, he sighed. "Listen to me... you won't understand what I'm doing now, but you will in the future.

"This is to create a world where we can exist freely. A world for you and me." Then he turned to the other children, causing their hearts to stir.

"For us."

"Yes, Sir." They all genuinely called out.

"None of us are blood related but... we are family. You are all my children as well. Please... help him."

"Hmph." #4 simply snorted and turned his head but that just earned him a laugh from everyone.


'I wonder...' Tristan mused to himself as he laid his head on thighs softer than clouds.

While Lilia, the pillow in question, held a constant smile, grinning beside herself. Ruth could hardly stop her face from twitching. What was this? A romcom?

If she knew this bastard was thinking of a man while taking advantage of her Madam like this one could only wonder how she would feel. Well, not that he would care about her feelings.

"Lilia can you go get us some of my special tea," Lilia spoke softly as she stroked his hair.

"...Yes Madam." Left with no choice she walked out of the room begrudgingly. Tristan on the other hand was lost in thought.

Those guys, things didn't work out as planned, unfortunately.


"You know it's strange." Suddenly a voice called out causing him to snap out of it.

He sat up looking at the source of the voice. Of course, it could only be Lilia.

"At any given moment, he always comes to mind." Lilia faced him with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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