Chapter 3: Uncertain Futures

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The air was thick with tension as Detective Monica Denam collected Vic's information, her voice steady and commanding. "Okay, Victor, I'm going to need you to go with these officers—willingly—to the clinic down the street. Put these mitts on, turn around, hands up over your head against the wall." She handed him a pair of black mitts, a precaution against further accidents.

Vic complied, his mind a whirlwind of fear and uncertainty. 'Am I in trouble? Are they going to put me down?' The questions haunted him as he stood surrounded by the officers, their presence a stark reminder of the gravity of the situation.

"They're going to do some tests and give you some shots," the detective continued, her words slicing through the chaos of his thoughts. "What's going to happen to Aaron?" Vic managed to ask, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Hopefully," she replied, her eyes not meeting his as the officers secured the handcuffs around his now mitted wrists, "he will not die." The finality of her words hung in the air as Vic was ushered into the back of the police car.

The cacophony outside was a muffled sound of reporters' questions, camera flashes, and officers' commands. As the car pulled away, Vic watched through the window as the police cordoned off the convenience store, the site of his fateful encounter with Aaron now a crime scene.

Sitting uncomfortably on the hard seat, Vic's thoughts turned to the future. What would become of his store, the cornerstone of his daily life? How much would he lose from this unfortunate event? The uncertainty was suffocating, each question leading to another, darker and more troubling than the last.

As the clinic came into view, Vic braced himself for what was to come. The tests, the shots, the probing questions—all of it seemed a small price to pay if it meant Aaron would survive. But deep down, Vic knew that his life, as he had known it, was forever altered. The truth of his family ancestry, once hidden, was now a specter that loomed over him, threatening to unravel the very fabric of his existence.

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